Council Meeting Thursday 1st March 2018 – Minutes

Council Meeting Thursday 1st March 2018 – Minutes

Council Minutes Thursday 01 March 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Kathy, Sae Ra, Cameron, James, Hugh, Cherie Apologies: Maybe a Russell Meeting opened by 1935 AEST by Kathy Reid  and quorum was achieved Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list Nil General correspondence Central Repository of Presentation slides - email from Suggestion that we put the slides on LCA2018 went back and asked speakers for slide decks, and will be up on the mirror. Not a strong case for us to pursue this? But lca2018 [...]

2019-01-07T00:09:18+11:00March 1st, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Thursday 15th February 2018 – Minutes

Council Agenda Thursday 15 February 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Kathy Reid, Russell Stuart, Hugh Blemings,  James Polley, Cherie Ellis Apologies: Sae Ra Cameron Tudball Meeting opened by 19:34 AEST by Kathy Reid and quorum was achieved Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list Nil General correspondence Beyond 2020 Alliance No further movement with Beyond 2020 Alliance WordCamp Sydney 2018 at UTS - Wil Brown seeking insurance certificates of currency Update 4th January - Wil has last 4 years Certificates of currency (for Insurance), waiting to hear [...]

2019-01-06T23:18:47+11:00February 15th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Thursday 1st February 2018 – Minutes

Council Agenda Thursday 01 February 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present James, Kathy, Sae Ra, Cherie, Cameron, Russell, Hugh Apologies: ... Meeting opened by 1930hrs by Kathy and quorum was achieved     Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list MOTION by SAE RA GERMAINE that Linux Australia approve up to $AUD8K expenditure to match funds raised by LCA2018 to be donated to the nominated charity. SECONDED by CAMERON TUDBALL Passed with 1 abstention Let Joel know that we are matching the amount for the and let Council know [...]

2019-01-06T23:08:33+11:00February 1st, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Thursday 18th January 2018 – Minutes

Council Agenda Thursday 18 January 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Cam, Kathy, Sae Ra, Hugh, Russell Apologies: Meeting opened by 1933hrs by Kathy and quorum was achieved     Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list Approved the grant request for Rowland Mos…. for the Flights to LCA. ACTION: Kathy to followup with Rowland on how to get the monies General correspondence Beyond 2020 Alliance No Update as at 04/01/2018 No Update WordCamp Sydney 2018 at UTS - Wil Brown seeking insurance certificates of currency Update 4th January [...]

2019-01-06T22:59:22+11:00January 18th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |
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