Representing Free Software and Open Source Communities
Linux Australia is the peak body for Open Source communities in Australasia. Linux Australia represents Australasian users and developers of Free Software and Open Technologies, and facilitates internationally-renowned events including and Everything Open — Australasia’s grassroots Free and Open Source Software Conferences.
Linux Australia is voluntarily bound by the principles embodied by its statement of values and the articles of association, and undertakes to operate at all times in an open, transparent and democratic manner.

Duncan MacNeill at 2016 at Geelong. Photo courtesy Brett James under CC BY
Linux Australia facilitates the organisation of, a premier international Linux conference, in a different Australasian city each year.
Linux Australia assists with the organisation of associated open source conferences.
Individuals who join Linux Australia directly participate in online discussions on mailing lists covering a range of topics and user communities. The Committee regularly posts reports and minutes, and makes personal contact with local Linux User Groups.
Members of Linux Australia participate in sub-committees and special interest groups, organise events or stand for election to the Linux Australia council.
Jobs Board
Explore Linux and open source job opportunities in Australia and New Zealand at our Jobs Board.
Organise a free and open source event
Linux Australia exists to help auspice free an open source software, hardware and community events in Australia and New Zealand. Contact us to find out how we can assist.
Apply for a grant
Each year, we make available funds for Grants to help further the Linux and free and open source software communities in Australasia. Read more about Grants.
Nominate for Linux Australia Council
Want to make a difference to free and open source communities in Australia? Nominate for Council!