Council Meeting Tuesday 21st May 2019 – Minutes

Council Meeting Tuesday 21st May 2019 – Minutes

2019-08-31T14:04:08+10:00May 21st, 2019|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


Joshua Hesketh, Julien Goodwin, Russell Stuart, Jonathan Woithe, Miles Goodhew



Sae Ra Germaine, Clinton Roy


Meeting opened at 1930 AEST by Josh and quorum was achieved.

Minutes were taken by Julien.


2. Event Review

WordCamp Brisbane/Sydney 2019

Drupal South Hobart

Joomla Day Brisbane 2019

PyconAU 2019

LCA 2020

Tech Team


3. Log of correspondence

  • LCA2019 financial bits.
    • No further comments from list mails.

4. Items for discussion

  • LA Website (wordpress)  hosting.
    • Being charged $500/year for hosting, $5000/year for support.
      • Paid six monthly. Hosting agreed with.
      • Motion by Russell to pay, seconded Josh, all in favour.
      • Support is also six monthly.
      • AI: Russell – Does this include support if LA self-host, and assistance with migration.
    • Invoices for the above due in June.
  • PLUG VM.
    • AI Julien: Response is in principle yes, we don’t have the hardware for the next few months. Ask for a requirements breakdown, and then potentially grants.
  • WordCamp SYD 2019 Subcommittee acceptance.
    • Context in mail to council@ “[LACTTE]  Sub-committee request: WordCamp Sydney 2019”. See also notes in wordcamp report earlier in these minutes re budget.
    • <List of subcommittee members removed>
    • Motion by Josh to approve, seconded by Russell. All in favour.
    • AI Russell to give them the happy news.
  • Admin team server replacement.
    • AI Julien to draft proposed motion to list to approve purchase now.
    • (For some more context see the tech team report above)


      5. Items for noting

  • LCA2020 indoctrination done.
  • Move of LA (SYD) storage to gc waiting on Ryan.
    • Current plan to empty it for pycon, what remains after that will be shipped.
  • Turns out only one LCA2019 backup happened (ever).  It was the mysql database (only), and so didn’t include the logins (SAML2) or the Wiki.  
    • [julien] Written that way, that suggests we might want a document / appendix to the subcommittee policy listing things like this that funded subcommittees must work with council/admin team to ensure we have in durable storage
  • Westpac forms update
    • [Sae Ra] TL:DR they are in Hobart and will come back to me.
      • I got a call on the thursday before good friday to say that the forms had arrived. I was not able to call back as I was in a meeting. I rang back, the person assigned wasn’t there and was on leave. Person came back, finally rang me back and said because the 2 weeks had lapsed it went to the next place on the list…. BAH!
    • Josh needs to go to the branch.

6. Other business 

  • Insurance bill(s) to be paid. Josh to sync with Russell.
  • APNIC conference -> Hold over to next meeting.

7. In camera

  • One item was discussed in camera.


2105  AEST close.

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