Council Meeting Tuesday 23rd April 2019 – Minutes

Council Meeting Tuesday 23rd April 2019 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Sae Ra Germaine, Julien Goodwin, Russell Stuart, Clinton Roy, Jonathan Woithe, Miles Goodhew Apologies  Joshua Hesketh   Meeting opened at 1930 AEST by Sae Ra and quorum was achieved. Minutes were taken by Julien.   2. Event Review WordCamp Brisbane/Sydney Drupal South Hobart Joomla Day Brisbane 2019 PyconAU 2019 LCA 2020 Tech Team   3. Log of correspondence Reimbursement to James Polley Vendor had re-issued an invoice, reissued invoice had different details. Has been sorted Insurance should be done this week 4. Items for discussion Grants Programme,hasn’t opened yet. AI: Sae Ra to work with Jonathan to [...]

2019-08-31T11:55:47+10:00April 23rd, 2019|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Tuesday 9th April 2019 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Jonathan Woithe, Miles Goodhew, Clinton Roy, Russell Stuart, Joshua Hesketh, Sae Ra Germaine Apologies  Julien Goodwin   Meeting opened at 17:31 AEST by Sae Ra Germaine and quorum was achieved. Minutes were taken by Jonathan.   2. Log of correspondence Various “Help” emails received through the website inquiry form. Suggestion from Sae Ra: revise website to include somewhere to direct “I need help” inquiries to. Suggestion from Jonathan: put a mini-FAQ up to suggest contacts and ways to get in touch. Miles offered to help Kathy and the Comms Subcommittee AI: Miles to [...]

2019-08-31T10:59:38+10:00April 9th, 2019|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Tuesday 26th March 2019 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Sae Ra Germaine, Joshua Hesketh, Julien Goodwin, Russell Stuart, Clinton Roy, Jonathan Woithe, Miles Goodhew Apologies  None   Meeting opened at 19:33 AEDT by Sae Ra Germaine and quorum was achieved. Minutes were taken by Julien.   2. Event Review (Secretary's note: The first few months of these event reviews will be minute-less as it was not until August that we had agreed to release more detailed minutes.) WordCamp Brisbane 2019 Drupal South Hobart 2019 Joomla Day Brisbane 2019 PyconAU 2019 LCA 2020 3. Log of correspondence Storage rental Paying for a storage unit in Camperdown Likely [...]

2019-08-31T10:08:49+10:00March 26th, 2019|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Tuesday 12th March 2019 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Sae Ra Germaine, Joshua Hesketh, Julien Goodwin, Clinton Roy, Jonathan Woithe, Russell Stuart Apologies  Miles Goodhew   Meeting opened at 1931 AEDT by Sae Ra and quorum was achieved. Minutes were taken by Julien. 2. Log of correspondence Sae Ra contacted Joel about ghosts, no reply as yet, discussions happening within 2020 team. Russell talking with Drupal-South re inductions OSI board voting ongoing, closing on Monday 3. Items for discussion 23rd April meeting is the Tuesday right after Easter, will that be ok for everyone? Nobody present had any significant issues, meeting will stay as-is. 4. [...]

2019-08-31T09:55:17+10:00March 12th, 2019|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Joshua Hesketh awarded the Rusty Wrench 2019

At the recent 2019, held in Christchurch, New Zealand, former Linux Australia President, and current Vice-President, Joshua Hesketh, was awarded the Rusty Wrench for outstanding service to the Australian opensource community. Prior to being awarded the Rusty Wrench, Josh had served with distinction on the Linux Australia Council for several years, including three terms as President. He has also been instrumental in two Hobart, Tasmania-based events, in 2009 and 2017. He has also volunteered on several safety, diversity and inclusion teams, in so doing strengthening and widening our community. Currently employed by Germany-based SuSE, Josh embodies all the [...]

Council Meeting Tuesday 12th February 2019 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Julien Goodwin, Russell Stuart, Clinton Roy, Jonathan Woithe, Miles Goodhew Apologies  Sae Ra Germaine, Josh Hesketh Meeting opened at 19:33 AEDT by Julien and quorum was achieved. Minutes taken by Julien. 2. Log of correspondence None 3. Items for discussion Sponsorship subcommittee proposal AI: Clinton to chat to 2020 team about their viewpoint Quick mention of whether just an LCA sponsorship or general. Action for Russell: we need a replacement for the invoice payment page. Still pending Russell proposes we ask Clinton to be a “payment approver”.  We had three active approvers last year (KR, [...]

2019-08-31T09:44:57+10:00February 12th, 2019|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Tuesday 29th January 2019 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Sae Ra Germaine, Julien Goodwin, Russell Stuart, Clinton Roy, Jonathan Woithe, Joshua Hesketh, Miles Goodhew Apologies  None Meeting opened at 1932 AEDT by Sae Ra and quorum was achieved. Minutes taken by Julien. 2. Log of correspondence None 3. Items for discussion LCA2019 Code of Conduct report Quick discussion about draft report sent to council@ Note about *LA* code of conduct vs *LCA* code of conduct. General Finance status is largely still in-flight. Sae Ra intends to send a thanks mail this week, draft to be run past council. Hardware HW folk want [...]

2019-08-31T09:39:16+10:00January 29th, 2019|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Thursday 3rd January 2019 – Minutes

Caretaker Council Agenda Thursday 03 January 2019 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Kathy, Cherie, Cameron, Russell, James, Sae Ra Apologies: Hugh Meeting opened at 1932 AEST by Kathy and quorum was achieved 2. Log of correspondence Requests for cancellation of membership. 3. Items for discussion Rusty Wrench Nominations All available at: Linux Australia recommends REDACTED to be awarded the Rusty Wrench award. ACTION: Kathy to go back to the Rusty Wrench to receive the yea or nay. And to organise the gift. ACTION: Cherie to organise some time for the closing ceremony Membership platform: Outstanding pieces Turn [...]

2019-01-07T06:22:12+11:00January 3rd, 2019|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

December update, and a happy holidays to all

Hi everyone, Firstly on behalf of the Council we hope that this message finds you happy, healthy and enjoying the holidays - but perhaps not so much the heat that is visiting upon much of the country - stay safe and cool. This is our last communication for 2018, and there's quite a lot to get through, so without further ado, our December update! Declaration of election, Council positions available and call for Agenda items for AGM It may be dry and boring for most people, but as an Incorporated Association, there are a few bits and pieces that legally [...]

Council Meeting Thursday 20th December 2018 – Minutes

Caretaker Council Agenda Thursday 20 December 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Russell, Kathy, James, Sae Ra, Hugh Apologies: Cherie Meeting opened at 1932 AEST by Kathy and quorum was achieved 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list MOTION BY RUSSELL STUART that Linux Australia move $100K to the Term Deposit. SECONDED: KATHERINE REID MOTION Carried MOTION BY RUSSELL STUART that Linux Australia create a new bank account for the new treasurer’s debit card.  The new account will be "one to sign" so it is compatible with the debit card. SECONDED: SAE RA GERMAINE MOTION Carried 4. [...]

2018-12-21T16:20:12+11:00December 20th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |
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