Council Meeting Tuesday 13th August 2019 – Minutes

Council Meeting Tuesday 13th August 2019 – Minutes

2021-01-03T21:02:26+11:00August 13th, 2019|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


Sae Ra Germaine

Joshua Hesketh

Russell Stuart

Julien Goodwin

Clinton Roy

Jonathan Woithe

Miles Goodhew





Meeting opened at 1930 AEST by Sae Ra and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Julien.


2. Event Review

Tech Team

WordCamp Brisbane/Sydney/Port Macquarie

Drupal South Hobart

Joomla Day Brisbane 2019

PyconAU 2019

LCA 2020

3. Log of correspondence

  • None

4. Items for discussion

  • (From last meeting) For AGM, will we bring up constitutional amendments again.
    • (Russell) Yes we should put it forward, but how do we encourage people to vote.
    • Last time changes were being made while voting.
    • Communicate early, communicate often.
    • Whether we need to close voting actually at midnight is a discussion to have with returning officer (assuming the constitution doesn’t enforce it).
    • AI: Julien & Sae Ra to work on template for membership renewal letter with details about the upcoming election. (Will do at the SSC F2F)
  • (From last meeting) Another F2F, potentially September.
    • Sae Ra hasn’t prepped topic list, but: Budget, SSC, plans for next year, LCA2021
    • 28/29th September, city TBD.
    • Hoping for a clear decision by Friday 16th August.
  • Westpac forms round #3
    • With Sae Ra now, possibly move forward at SSC F2F.
  • Grant applications
    • Applications are coming in, not ready to be discussed at the next council meeting.
    • Kelsie Nabben for “The Privacy Project”

5. Items for noting

  • We don’t know what’s happened with LA storage.

6. Other business 

  • LCA2021 group meeting at end of month

7. In camera

  • Three items were discussed in camera.


Meeting closed 2101 AEST.

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