Council Meeting Thursday 2nd August 2018 – Minutes

Council Meeting Thursday 2nd August 2018 – Minutes

Council Agenda Thursday 02 August 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Cameron, James, Cherie, Russell, Kathy Apologies: Sae Ra Germaine, Hugh Blemings Meeting opened at 19:30 AEST  by Kathy and quorum was achieved Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list N/A General correspondence and items for noting auDA SGM - 27th July 2018. Small group of demand class (IP domain name users, as opposed to supply class who are the registrar's) asked for 3 directors to resign. Blue Hackers ACTION: Russell to follow this up, still waiting for [...]

2019-01-07T03:33:23+11:00August 2nd, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Thursday 19th July 2018 – Minutes

Council Agenda Thursday 19 July 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Kathy Reid, James Polley, Russell Stuart, Hugh Blemings Apologies: Meeting opened at 19:39 AEST  by Kathy Reid and quorum was achieved     Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list Encryption Support Letter (Follow-up) Write up on CIO MOTION by Kathy Reid that the Subcommittee proposed by Ricky Blacker for WordCamp Brisbane 2018 be approved based on initial budget figures provided by DION HULSE SECONDED by Sae Ra Germaine General correspondence and items for noting auDA SGM [...]

2019-01-07T03:32:55+11:00July 19th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Thursday 5th July 2018 – Minutes

Council Minutes Thursday 05 July 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Kathy Reid, Hugh Blemings, Cameron Tudball, Russell Stuart Apologies: Sae Ra Germaine, Cherie Ellis, James Polley Meeting opened at 1932AEST  by Kathy and quorum was achieved     Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list Encryption Support Letter 4 votes received. Letter was signed. Thank you to Kathy for sending this off to AccessNow. General correspondence Blue Hackers ACTION: Russell to follow this up, still waiting for a response from Arjen We are now waiting on Russell! Still [...]

2019-01-07T03:32:04+11:00July 5th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Thursday 21st June 2018 – Minutes

Council Minutes Thursday 21 June 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Cherie, James, Kathy, Russell Apologies: Cameron Tudball, Hugh Blemings, Sae Ra Germaine Meeting opened at 1930AEST  by Kathy and quorum was achieved Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list Nil General correspondence Blue Hackers ACTION: Russell to follow this up, still waiting for a response from Arjen We are now waiting on Russell! Still Pending. Aptira partnering with Linux Foundation for OpenStack / Open Networking roadshow and series of one-day conferences Completed. - Leaving on the Agenda [...]

2019-01-07T02:32:38+11:00June 21st, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Thursday 7th June 2018 – Minutes

Council Minutes Thursday 07 June 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Sae Ra Germaine, Kathy Reid, Cherie Ellis, James Polley, Hugh Blemings Apologies: Cameron Tudball Meeting opened at 1931AEST  by Kathy and quorum was achieved Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list MOTION by KATHY REID that the DrupalSouth 2018 Subcommittee be formed as requested by CHRIS SKENE and that the budget proposed is approved Seconded: Cherie Ellis Motion Passed ACTION: Need to make a deposit on their venue. This is due any day now. General correspondence Blue [...]

2019-01-07T01:55:38+11:00June 7th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Thursday 24th May 2018 – Minutes

Council Agenda Thursday 24 May 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Kathy Reid, Hugh Blemings, James Polley, Cameron Tudball, Cherie Ellis, Russell Stuart Apologies: Sae Ra Meeting opened at 1931AEST  by Kathy and quorum was achieved Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list Nil General correspondence Blue Hackers ACTION: Russell to follow this up, still waiting for a response from Arjen We are now waiting on Russell! Still Pending. Aptira partnering with Linux Foundation for OpenStack / Open Networking roadshow and series of one-day conferences ACTION: Tristan announced [...]

2019-01-07T01:48:32+11:00May 24th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Thursday 10th May 2018 – Minutes

Council Agenda Thursday 10 May 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Cherie, Russell, Kathy, James Apologies: Hugh, Sae Ra & Cameron Meeting opened at 1931AEST  by Kathy and quorum was achieved Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list Nil General correspondence Blue Hackers ACTION: Russell to follow this up, still waiting for a response from Arjen We are now waiting on Russell! Still Pending. Aptira partnering with Linux Foundation for OpenStack / Open Networking roadshow and series of one-day conferences SLUG moving their DNS off LA ( Does [...]

2019-01-07T01:42:33+11:00May 10th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Thursday 26th April 2018 – Minutes

Council Minutes Thursday 26 April 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Cameron, Sae Ra, Cherie, James, Russell, Kathy Apologies: Hugh Meeting opened by 1933ADST by  and quorum was achieved Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list Nil General correspondence Blue Hackers ACTION: Russell to follow this up, still waiting for a response from Arjen We are now waiting on Russell! Pending. Aptira partnering with Linux Foundation for OpenStack / Open Networking roadshow and series of one-day conferences Kathy spoke with Tristan Goode from Aptira - they are planning [...]

2019-01-07T01:15:02+11:00April 26th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Thursday 29th March 2018 – Minutes

Council Agenda Thursday 29 March 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present: Kathy, Cameron, Sae Ra, James, and Russell Apologies: Cherie, Hugh Meeting opened by 1932ADST by  and quorum was achieved Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list Support and sponsorship of the Internet Freedom Hack in April ACTION: Kathy to update Facebook General correspondence Cameron Shorter submission for Open Government: Response to Cameron regarding Linux Australia’s position on the submission. KATHY DO NOTHING. Blue Hackers ACTION: Russell to follow this up, still waiting for a response from [...]

2019-01-07T00:41:56+11:00March 29th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Thursday 15th March 2018 – Minutes

Council Agenda Thursday 15 March 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Kathy, James, Cameron, Cherie, Russell Apologies: Meeting opened by 1935 AEST by Kathy Reid  and quorum was achieved Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list Nil General correspondence Cameron Shorter submission for Open Government: Perhaps formalise the language somewhat. ACTION: Kathy Central Repository of Presentation slides - email from Suggestion that we put the slides on LCA2018 went back and asked speakers for slide decks, and will be up on the mirror. Not a [...]

2019-01-07T00:07:28+11:00March 15th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |
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