Council Meeting Tuesday 19th November 2019 – Minutes

Council Meeting Tuesday 19th November 2019 – Minutes

2021-01-03T21:14:00+11:00November 19th, 2019|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


Sae Ra Germaine

Joshua Hesketh

Julien Goodwin

Russell Stuart

Clinton Roy

Jonathan Woithe

Miles Goodhew





Meeting opened at 1931 AEDT by Sae Ra and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Julien.

2. Log of correspondence

  • Gnome foundation donation in progress, they want a media release. Still waiting on an invoice.
  • We have signed the “Secure the Internet” letter

3. Items for discussion

  • AI: Subcommittees (v3 doc; Web page; wind-up et. al.) (M0les)
    • Sae Ra expects draft by tomorrow.
    • Web page /windup, we do list a bunch of possibly dead SCs (certainly plenty of dead info)
    • In v3 we expect groups to self-maintain
    • Share policy doc with Kathy, who was heads-up about doing work.
  • Close AWS?
    • Still an AI for Josh to investigate.
  • AglieWare: New Invoice #18595, $2310.00,6 month support.
    • Hosting is a small part of this.
    • Getting too close to the election to do the migration now.
    • Would expire ~April, gives admin-team time to do it carefully.
  • LCA2021 <report redacted>
  • LA Election
    • Julien will send out announcements, from sec@.
    • AI: Julien to ask admin team for  a mail account for outbound
  • AI: Sae Ra to send Rusty Wrench draft
    • Julien will send out as sec@
  • LCA2020 updates
    • No updates on ticket sales 
    • Still no announcement about keynotes
    • Some miniconfs still light on for submissions
    • Russell guesses 250 tickets sold. Not great, not horrible.
    • Sae Ra to have meeting with Joel this week
  • LCA2022 EOI?
    • Sae Ra to have draft tomorrow maybe?

5. Items for noting

  • Grant paid to Gravity Project.
  • Will be getting a writeup on grant from netthing,sounds very positive.

6. Other business 

  • Reminder to council… DO YOUR PROFILES for the Annual Report (or Sae Ra will make one up and use a really bad photo of you!) by the 29th.
    • Put them in a Google doc in the drafts folder.

7. In camera

  • One item was discussed in camera.

Meeting closed at 2004.

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