Council Meeting Tuesday 5th November 2019 – Minutes

Council Meeting Tuesday 5th November 2019 – Minutes

2021-01-03T21:12:31+11:00November 5th, 2019|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


Sae Ra Germaine

Joshua Hesketh

Julien Goodwin

Russell Stuart

Jonathan Woithe

Miles Goodhew


Clinton Roy


Meeting opened at 1931 AEDT by Sae Ra and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Julien.

2. Event Review

WordCamp Sydney/Port Macquarie

Drupal South Hobart

Pycon AU 2020

Tech Team

LCA 2020

3. Log of correspondence

  • Motion on list for GNOME legal defence
    • Sae Ra to contact directly to see about transfer.

4. Items for discussion

  • Kill AWS?
    • Josh thinks it’s on his todo list to clean up.
  • Grant application from Dr Matahar, Development of autopilot API
    • MOTION BY Jonathan That Linux Australia Accepts the Grant Proposal Development of autopilot API submitted by Dr Matahar
      • Seconded: Russell
      • One against, one abstain, passed.
      • Inform treasurer where money is to be sent.
      • We expect a progress report by end of year, and at end of project (12 months unless stated).
  • Report from Russell’s excursion to the investment adviser.
    • Advisor will certainly encourage investment, proposal was $4k for the advice
    • To invest in ETFs (ex index funds), with a management fee
    • Note the previous auditor’s comments weren’t written advice

5. Items for noting

  • Proposed LCA2021 budget is drafted, will be shared with council@, hope to vote on team next meeting.

6. Other business 

  • The 31st December meeting will be cancelled
  • For next meeting: Photo & bio text for the annual report.
  • Financials have been handed over to the auditor.
  • Kathy & Sae Ra will be working on the annual report.
    • Needs Pres, Sec & Tres reports.

7. In camera

  • No items were discussed in camera

2040 AEDT close

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