Council Meeting Thursday 25th October 2018 – Minutes

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Council Meeting Thursday 25th October 2018 – Minutes

Council Agenda Thursday 25 October 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Mon Kathma, Sith VP, Secretary Droid, Linux Australia Council, cherie Apologies: James Polley, hugh Meeting opened at 1934 by Kathy and quorum was achieved Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list MOTION BY SAE RA GERMAINE that Linux Australia cancel the GovHack Xero instance.  It's costing us about $700 / yr and we don't use it. SECONDED: Russell Stuart Caried Not cancelled as yet, but once russell has recovered from being booted he will cancel it. MOTION [...]

2019-01-07T06:47:18+11:00October 25th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Thursday 11th October 2018 – Minutes

Council Agenda Thursday 11 October 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Kathy, Russell, Cameron, Sae Ra, Cherie Apologies: Hugh, James Meeting opened at 1936  by Kathy and quorum was achieved Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list Not a motion but Linux Australia signing a of a Coalition and their comments in response to the Exposure Draft of the Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018 (the Assistance and Access Bill) 14,000 submission. ACTION: Kathy to include this in her monthly report. Second letter is [...]

2019-01-07T06:49:45+11:00October 11th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Thursday 27th September 2018 – Minutes

Council Agenda Thursday 27 Sept 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Hugh, Russell, Sae Ra, Cherie, Kathy, James Apologies: Cameron Meeting opened at 1937AEST  by Kathy and quorum was achieved Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list Not a motion but Linux Australia signing a of a Coalition and their comments in response to the Exposure Draft of the Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018 (the Assistance and Access Bill) 14,000 submission. ACTION: Kathy to include this in her monthly report. General correspondence and [...]

2019-01-07T06:51:56+11:00September 27th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Thursday 13th September 2018 – Minutes

Council Minutes Thursday 13 Sept 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Sae Ra, James, Cherie, Kathy, Russell Apologies: Cameron, Hugh Meeting opened at 1934 AEST  by Kathy and quorum was achieved Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list Not a motion but Linux Australia signing a of a Coalition and their comments in response to the Exposure Draft of the Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018 (the Assistance and Access Bill) 14,000 submission. ACTION: Kathy to include this in her monthly report. General correspondence [...]

2019-01-07T03:57:04+11:00September 13th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Thursday 30th August 2018 – Minutes

Council Agenda Thursday 30 August 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Cam (will be late), Russell, Cherie, Kathy, James, Sae Ra Apologies: Hugh Blemings Meeting opened at 1932AEST  by Kathy and quorum was achieved Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list MOTION by Kathy that Council wait to review figures from Pycon AU attendance on 23rd, and if they indicate a strong budget position, release $19k deposit to Pycon AU for 2019 venue deposit. Seconded by Russell Stuart Passed RKM at PyCon. They have set the date for [...]

2019-01-07T03:34:12+11:00August 30th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Thursday 16th August 2018 – Minutes

Council Agenda Thursday 16 August 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Cam, Russell, Cherie, Kathy, James, Apologies: Hugh Blemings Meeting opened at 1932AEST  by Kathy and quorum was achieved Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list MOTION by Kathy that Council wait to review figures from Pycon AU attendance on 23rd, and if they indicate a strong budget position, release $19k deposit to Pycon AU for 2019 venue deposit. Seconded by Russell Stuart Passed General correspondence and items for noting auDA SGM - 27th July 2018. 1 more [...]

2019-01-07T03:33:49+11:00August 16th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Thursday 2nd August 2018 – Minutes

Council Agenda Thursday 02 August 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Cameron, James, Cherie, Russell, Kathy Apologies: Sae Ra Germaine, Hugh Blemings Meeting opened at 19:30 AEST  by Kathy and quorum was achieved Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list N/A General correspondence and items for noting auDA SGM - 27th July 2018. Small group of demand class (IP domain name users, as opposed to supply class who are the registrar's) asked for 3 directors to resign. Blue Hackers ACTION: Russell to follow this up, still waiting for [...]

2019-01-07T03:33:23+11:00August 2nd, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting Thursday 19th July 2018 – Minutes

Council Agenda Thursday 19 July 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Kathy Reid, James Polley, Russell Stuart, Hugh Blemings Apologies: Meeting opened at 19:39 AEST  by Kathy Reid and quorum was achieved     Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list Encryption Support Letter (Follow-up) Write up on CIO MOTION by Kathy Reid that the Subcommittee proposed by Ricky Blacker for WordCamp Brisbane 2018 be approved based on initial budget figures provided by DION HULSE SECONDED by Sae Ra Germaine General correspondence and items for noting auDA SGM [...]

2019-01-07T03:32:55+11:00July 19th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Linux Australia joins Open Source Initiative

Linux Australia, Inc - the organisation representing thousands of Linux and open source community members in Australia - was recently accepted as a member of the Open Source Initiative--the global non-profit working to promote and protect open source software--further strengthening international relationships with partner organisations committed to free and open source software, hardware and culture. The Open Source Initiative is the steward of the Open Source Definition (OSD) and the community-recognised body for reviewing and approving licenses as OSD-conformant. The organisation’s members play an important role across the world in community building, education and public advocacy to promote the importance [...]

Council Meeting Thursday 5th July 2018 – Minutes

Council Minutes Thursday 05 July 2018 1. Meeting overview and key information Present Kathy Reid, Hugh Blemings, Cameron Tudball, Russell Stuart Apologies: Sae Ra Germaine, Cherie Ellis, James Polley Meeting opened at 1932AEST  by Kathy and quorum was achieved     Agenda summary - key items for discussion this agenda 2. Log of correspondence Motions moved on list Encryption Support Letter 4 votes received. Letter was signed. Thank you to Kathy for sending this off to AccessNow. General correspondence Blue Hackers ACTION: Russell to follow this up, still waiting for a response from Arjen We are now waiting on Russell! Still [...]

2019-01-07T03:32:04+11:00July 5th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |
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