Council Meeting 27th October 2021 – Minutes

Council Meeting 27th October 2021 – Minutes

2023-01-04T21:59:33+11:00October 27th, 2021|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


  • Joel Addison (Vice President)
  • Clinton Roy (Secretary)
  • Jonathan Woite (Council)
  • Russell Coker (Council)
  • Sae Ra Germaine (President)
  • Neil Cox (Council)

–    Russell Stuart (Treasurer)


Meeting opened at 19:30 AEDT by Sae Ra  and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Clinton Roy

2. Log of correspondence

Dave Sparks and Owen speaking for Drupal. First time for Dave at this meeting, taking over from Owen. Speakers are locked in, registrations trickling in, looking at 230/240 attendees. Looking at a $7k profit overall. Looking at in person events for next year. Did pull a Wellington venue at no cost for this year. Dave is in New Zealand. Dave will move into the chair role for the rest of his term, the end of 2022 currently. Owen staying on as events management role for his term 2023. Jonathan thanks them for the draft AGM report previously sent. Sae Ra asks if they want a thank you from the LA council at the conference.

Steve speaking on behalf of the admin team. Did a final sync of the website from the cloud  version. Needs to update some urls in the stand alone website so that it can send emails at a certain point in time.  Promises Joel that the cloudy stuff will be happening soon. Steve says there will be a few changes to the budget, only a couple of hundred dollars, not thousands. Migrating everything to the temporary mirror. From 4TB to 45TB storage.

Looking at rebuilding the gitlab instance, one for LA projects, one for others. This means project managers cannot see secrets in another project.

Patrick speaking for Joomla Australia. Close to a constitution, code of conduct etc documents. Another meeting on Tuesday, then those documents should be ready to submit to LA to become a subcommittee. Feeling the effects of Joomla 4 that was released last month. Some fine tuning with third party developers was required.

Richard, speaking for Pycon Australia: have some draft reports written up on the last event. Budget isn’t closed yet, mostly due to gifts not being sent out yet. Richard will delegate AGM report writing. Still have a considerable part of a deposit for a physical venue for next year. Can scale the booking depending on ticket sales. Trying to get another person or two onto the steering committee.

3. Items for discussion

  • Rusty wrench
  • Jonathan has drafted up a communications policy.
  • ACTION ITEM: Sae Ra to send out Rusty Wrench nominations.

4. Items for noting

  • Nil

5. Other business

  • Nil

6. In camera

2 items were discussed in camera

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