Council Meeting 21st December 2022 – Minutes

Council Meeting 21st December 2022 – Minutes

2022-12-21T22:58:29+11:00December 21st, 2022|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


  • Joel Addison (President)
  • Wil Brown (Vice-President)
  • Clinton Roy (Secretary)
  • Jonathan Woithe (Council)
  • Neil Cox (Council)
  • Lilac Kapul (Council)
  • Russell Stuart (Treasurer) (arrived at 8:25)



Not Present


Meeting opened at 20:05 AEDT by Clinton Roy and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Clinton Roy


2. Log of correspondence

  • Several emails from members of the community around mailing list conduct on Monday. Given the nature of the events, there’s privacy concerns around naming the individuals. 


3. Items for discussion

  • Lilac asks about data trust, mails have been sent to them, that is in their court atm.
  • Have we put out a call for bids for EO / LCA 2024?
    • Plan to include it in an LA community update
    • Discussion around whether to include in the LA community update, or separate email – decided to have a separate email to be clear about it.
    • Suggestion that we should make it clear that we are here to auspice events, Council will review any proposals that come through.
    • Lilac suggests running smaller, less formal feedback sessions with the community. ACTION ITEM: secretary adding the suggestion of smaller, less formal feedback sessions to the council hand over document.
  • Mailing list conduct – especially Daniel Pocock
    • We should put out a statement that makes clear we do not agree with the message sent by Daniel Pocock on Monday, and that this runs foul of our Code of Conduct.
    • We should make clear that someone exhibiting such behavior cannot be accepted as part of our community. He is not a LA Member, and would not be accepted as one.
    • Important to emphasise that the Linux Australia values are here to foster collaboration, and note that this behaviour does not align.


4. Items for noting

  • Russell has begun working on the Annual Report.  This “Russell” does not create content, he just makes it look pretty.   Content comes from others.  To get a feel for the content you are asked to provide, look at last year’s report.
    • Treasurer: Figures for graphic, budget for 2022/2023.
    • About Linux Australia: The 2022 version will be used as is unless someone wants to update it.
    • All exec members: current bio. Lilac, Wil: 100..200 words required.  Others: If you don’t provide 100..200 words, the 2022 version will be used.
    • All exec members: bio pic.  Lilac, Wil: picture required.  Others: If you don’t provide 100..200 words, the 2022 version will be used.
    • Joel: President’s report.
    • Clinton: Secretary’s report.
    • Russell: Treasurer’s report.
    • Reports from other exec members: optional.
    • Jonathan: Event report for Drupal.
    • Neill:  Event report for LCA 2022,
    • Clinton: PyConAu steering report
    • Jonathan: Optional subcommittee reports for Drupal Steering, WordPress Steering, LUV, and Admin Team.  (We should consider shutting subcommittees we don’t receive reports from.   We won’t even ask IWS, so that should be shut down next year.)
    • Jonthan: Grant reports.
    • Everybody: Russell needs pictures and conference graphics.
  • Everything Open 2023
    • Sae Ra Germaine will lead the Session Selection Committee
    • Call for Sessions, Call for Volunteers and Financial Assistance applications are all now open on the website
  • Zoom account needs to have its credit card updated. ACTION ITEM:: Russell to update zoom  account credit card.
    • Note from Russell: It’s my CC.  It does expire 2023/02.  I presume it will be renewed the month before.

5. Other business

  • Election Prep. Joel will work with Sa Ra on the website, Clinton will mail out the announcement.
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