Council Meeting 16th Feburary 2022 – Minutes

Council Meeting 16th Feburary 2022 – Minutes

2023-01-04T21:56:37+11:00February 16th, 2022|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


  • Joel Addison (President)
  • Wil Brown (Vice-President)
  • Clinton Roy (Secretary)
  • Russell Stuart (Treasurer)
  • Jonathan Woithe (Council)
  • Neil Cox (Council)


  • Lilac Kapul (Council)

Meeting opened at 20:03 AEDT by Joel and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Clinton Roy

2. Log of correspondence

  • Andrew Donnellan – Upcoming events for sponsorship

3. Items for discussion

  • Mailing Lists – Aim to cleanup mailing lists and archive those that are no longer in active use. Joel has put together a spreadsheet listing everything. People are encouraged to have a look. Russell suggests being harsher, require a community to have a moderator.

4. Items for noting

  • Drupal Update, David Sparks speaking.

In person events have been postponed for a few years, they’re sitting tight and waiting until things become clear. Back up options are a big online event, or a series of smaller online events. Notes that some people are pretty sick of being online. There’s also the option of having two separate events in Australia and NZ. They postponed their post-conf survey from last year, and have sent that out now. Want to continue using the professional marketing and event organiser, got new audience. Want to do some professional paid marketing this year. Put together some paid support for local meetups. They want to tidy up their lists of organisers/attendees/sponsors, to be able to engage better. Have a draft budget that they’re working through, will likely show that to the council in the March catch up. Want to look at improving the pathways into Drupal, want to bring new people into the industry. Had a working group last year, but it fell by the wayside with everything on.

Q by Clinton: Did you modify the survey to ask about conferences.

A: yes, after receiving feedback they wanted more online last year. Now getting some feedback that people are desparate for in person contact.

Q by Joel: What’s the lead time in deciding on in person events this year?

A: About six months, the Drupal calendar is quite packed, would need to know by March.

Q: What support are you looking to provide to your meetup organisers?

A: Had a range of requests – venue costs, promotion and marketing. Trying to get some new people involved with running the meetups, so trying to come up with basic run sheets and checklists to support people.

If they had two conferences, would try to line them up on the same dates, and would try to share some speakers via online. Have had good interest from sponsors, which is good. The bigger sponsors prefer the in-person events.

  • Admin Team, Steve and Mike speaking.

Got the migration of the website done in house. Election was held, with no issues. There’s some clean up to go after the election, one of Sae Ra’s requests to get the mail sorted got put aside. Steve says it was effectively a second full time job to move the election. Mail is a bit of a mess, there’s loops and stuff going on. IP address renewal, got receipt of payment. There’s still an issue with the mail of a council member, needs to be looked at closer. A slightly broader discussion about email ensues. Mike did some updates on hosts. A major update to kernel and proxmox, should hopefully fix a few little problems. May be going ahead with their second face to face, depending on everything.

  • Joomla, Nathan Morrow speaking.

Had a slow start to the week, a few of the older committee members had resigned, got a few new people on the hook. A new release of Joomla late in the year has kept most of the members busy. Plan to have the constitution ready for the members in March, and once that’s ratified, can bring that to the council. One of the signatories of the LA account has stepped down, so that position will need to be replaced.

  • Flounder, Russell Coker speaking.

Had one meeting so far, around a dozen people. Aim of the group is to be an online only group, only provide stuff that’s unique and not available elsewhere. Roughly half and half Aus/NZ. Focus on hands on, interactive content. Russell would like a DNS entry from LA, would work. Would also like a mailing list.

Russell moves a motion that Linux Australia authorises and a flounder mailing list.
Seconded: Jonathan
Yes: unanimous
No: none
Abstain: none
The motion is passed.

5. Other business

  • GPO box renewal ACTION ITEM Clinton will forward onto Russell for payment.
  • Google cloud – we’re still paying approx $200 a month, Joel still plans on closing this down within a month.
  • Catalyst cloud hosting invoice, ACTION ITEM Joel is going to do a little bit of an investigation before we decide on paying it, and to properly close down the account.
  • NSW Fair trading, they did not receive our previous Tier one Annual Return, Russell has sorted that now.

Meeting closed at 21:00. Next meeting scheduled for 2 March 2022.

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