Council Meeting 11th May 2022 – Minutes

Council Meeting 11th May 2022 – Minutes

2022-10-21T19:23:24+11:00May 11th, 2022|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


  • Joel Addison (President)
  • Wil Brown (Vice-President)
  • Clinton Roy (Secretary)
  • Russell Stuart (Treasurer)
  • Jonathan Woithe (Council)
  • Neil Cox (Council)
  • Lilac Kapul (Council)



Meeting opened at 19:35 AEDT by Joel and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Clinton Roy

2. Log of correspondence


3. Items for discussion

  • ASIC Update
    • Lilac briefly speaking as to discussions with ASIC and form lodgement, around withdrawal of erroneous Form 490 and removal of late fee(s)
  • Lilac: Carried forward agenda item regarding Robogals from 2022-04-13 meeting

Dave, speaking on Drupal. Things are picking back up. Just had drupal con america, in portland. Feedback from attendees, went well, smaller number of attendees, quite a few people affected by the war in Ukraine. People have come back from that asking if Australia is going to run one this year. Mentions the changing border restrictions of NZ in July just announced today. Some covid spread during the conference, more so in the social events around the conference, rather than at the conference itself. The group will run a survey amongst it’s members, probably looking at running a smaller event, maybe a one day conference in October. Australia is probably back as an option for the venue. All going well, might scale up to a more regular sized conference next year. Gearing up to housekeeping and marketing. Need to clean up membership and mailing lists. Need to reconnect with sponsors. Had some good feedback from online events, want to start that up again; put some money aside in the budget to pay someone to run that. Have a draft budget, willing to share that with us. Some housekeeping in there, got to pay for google stuff, marketing stuff, $5k/month, for seven months. Targeting around 100 people for the small event, roughly $100k revenue.Joel asks Dave to let us know as soon as the group starts thinking about an in person event, so that LA can update the insurance. The group should decide by the end of May or so.

ACTION ITEM for David, send through the link to the budget to the council.

Stephen, speaking for the admin group. Didn’t get the mail migration done over easter/anzac day, covid interrupted that. June Queen’s birthday long weekend is the plan, to give some spare personal time in case anything goes cactus. Previous mail moderators sent spam mail through to the spam filters. Holding other stuff over till the mail update is done. One thing to have a ponder about, is about the old servers, Steve physically has them. Cisco UCS servers, designed for unified comms, not really for hosting VMS, they have a fair amount of ram and disk, x86 servers. They have an IPMI running on flash 🙂

ACTION ITEM council to decide on what to do with the old linux australia servers, one suggestion is to sell them on ebay, another is to give them to a member.

Steve goes over a historical incident and the reason why most mail is still in moderation. Steve has sent some dns entries of old servers to Katie for the pycon history project.

    • Lilac has spoken to ASIC about the incorrect details on the register. They suggested withdrawing the incorrect form. And they said they’ll cancel the late fees as well.
  • ACTION ITEM Lilac to add a pdf of their response to the google doc for our records.
    • Joel has talked to ASIC today, it might appear they’ve withdrawn the correct form, rather than incorrect form? They have cancelled the late fee. The list of directors now has eight people, with a previous exec on it. They’ve asked for a simple letter with basic details to set the record straight.
  • ACTION ITEM Joel to call ASIC again in a couple of days and try to straighten things out, once and for all.


  • Robogals meeting,  2022-04-13 meeting. Lilac gives a brief description of the organisation. They are interested in applying for a grant to step up their rural outreach programme. Also interested in sponsorship from Linux Australia. Discussion about how LA does sponsorship of conferences. Discussions of Grants budget and process.


Will suggests we have more detail on the linux australia web pages, if groups are looking for direct sponsorship. ACTION ITEM council to increase the details about direct sponsorship on our website.

4. Items for noting

  • NIL

5. Other business

  • NIL
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