Council Meeting 8th June 2022 – Minutes

Council Meeting 8th June 2022 – Minutes

2022-10-21T19:23:14+11:00June 8th, 2022|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


  • Joel Addison (President)
  • Wil Brown (Vice-President)
  • Clinton Roy (Secretary)
  • Russell Stuart (Treasurer)
  • Jonathan Woithe (Council)
  • Neil Cox (Council)
  • Lilac Kapul (Council)


  • Neil Cox (Council)

Meeting opened at 19:35 AEDT by Joel and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Clinton Roy.

2. Log of correspondence


3. Items for discussion

  • Talking to Stephen on behalf of the admin team. Going over the plan for the email migration plan this long weekend. Won’t be doing mailing lists this weekend, just mail. Renewed SLUG domain, Taslug has just come up. Asks about, suggests that council will need to contact a registrar at some point. SSL certs are coming up soon. Has sent pyconau zone information to pycon steering council members. Mail can be handled on an evening, doesn’t need a long weekend. Will asks for some clarification about contacting the registrar, Joel has some details, but not quite all just yet. Audua does not really have a process to deal with competing bids, so it would be up to us to negotiate with any competitor.
  • Speaking to David Sparks on behalf of the Drupal subcommittee. Drupal South, had quite a busy month in may. Sent a survey to the community, got around 90 event responses, which is a little up on previous submissions. Roughly ⅓ would be happy with a hybrid event, but most people wanted an in person conference, and to be hosted in Australia. Looking at October, second/third week. 
  • Russell: Cancel AWS Subscription??  Still has a few things from lca2014 things. ACTION ITEM: Joel to check with Steve about the backup in AWS, and see if we’ve got a copy locally; with an eye to cancelling the AWS subscription.
  • Russell: We are still receiving bills from Google for hosting.  They are getting smaller, but the treasurer has been paying money bills from AWS for the 5 years he’s been in office, for costs relating to an event that happened 3 years before he joined the exec.  He’d rather we didn’t have a repeat performance. Joel is still working on reducing all the google cloud stuff, needs to check that some images are backed up on LA infrastructure. 

4. Items for noting

  • Russell received a snail letter without a clear date (there were several) about needing more information regarding change of officers.  He rang ASIC on Mon 2022-06-06, and spoke with Justin.  Justin said all required forms have been processed, and the letter could be ignored.
  • Russell is attempting to close the NZ Catalyst account once and for all.
    • Response from Catalyst: I’m happy to help you close your account, just want to be sure that you understand this action is not reversible, and all your data will be permanently erased.  Could you please confirm you have already downloaded or backed up any data you would like to preserve after we terminate the account? 
    • Joel: It is fine to terminate the account, though we need to make sure that we ask for the project named “linux-australia/lca2019” to be deleted. The other project “linux-australia” can be kept. ACTION ITEM: Russell to communicate with catalyst and shut down the linux-australia/lca2019 account.

5. Other business


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