Council Meeting 22nd June 2022 – Minutes

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Council Meeting 22nd June 2022 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Joel Addison (President) Wil Brown (Vice-President) Clinton Roy (Secretary) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Apologies -    Neill Cox (Council) Meeting opened at 19:35 AEDT by Clinton Roy  and quorum was achieved. Minutes taken by Clinton Roy 2. Log of correspondence 3. Items for discussion IN CAMERA 4. Items for noting Russell reports that the Wise account is now fixed, we’re still waiting on the payment to go through to confirm this however. ACTION ITEM: Joel to follow up with Neill to make sure this has been completed. 5. Other business NIL

2022-10-21T19:24:00+11:00June 22nd, 2022|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting 22nd June 2022 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Joel Addison (President) Wil Brown (Vice-President) Clinton Roy (Secretary) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Apologies Neil Cox (Council) Meeting opened at 19:35 AEDT by Clinton Roy and quorum was achieved. Minutes taken by Clinton Roy. 2. Log of correspondence Nil. 3. Items for discussion Open Source Conference 2023 planning.  4. Items for noting Russell reports that the Wise account is now fixed, we’re still waiting on the payment to go through to confirm this however. ACTION ITEM: Joel to follow up with Neill to make sure this has been completed. 5. Other [...]

2022-10-21T19:22:10+11:00June 22nd, 2022|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting 08th June 2022 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Joel Addison (President) Wil Brown (Vice-President) Clinton Roy (Secretary) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Lilac Kapul (Council) Apologies -    Neil Cox (Council) Meeting opened at 19:35 AEDT by Joel and quorum was achieved. Minutes taken by Clinton Roy 2. Log of correspondence NIL 3. Items for discussion Talking to Stephen on behalf of the admin team. Going over the plan for the email migration plan this long weekend. Won’t be doing mailing lists this weekend, just mail. Renewed SLUG domain, Taslug has just come up. Asks about, suggests that council will [...]

2022-10-21T19:24:10+11:00June 8th, 2022|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting 8th June 2022 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Joel Addison (President) Wil Brown (Vice-President) Clinton Roy (Secretary) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Neil Cox (Council) Lilac Kapul (Council) Apologies Neil Cox (Council) Meeting opened at 19:35 AEDT by Joel and quorum was achieved. Minutes taken by Clinton Roy. 2. Log of correspondence Nil. 3. Items for discussion Talking to Stephen on behalf of the admin team. Going over the plan for the email migration plan this long weekend. Won’t be doing mailing lists this weekend, just mail. Renewed SLUG domain, Taslug has just come up. Asks about, suggests that [...]

2022-10-21T19:23:14+11:00June 8th, 2022|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting 11th May 2022 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Joel Addison (President) Wil Brown (Vice-President) Clinton Roy (Secretary) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Neil Cox (Council) Lilac Kapul (Council) Apologies NIL Meeting opened at 19:35 AEDT by Joel and quorum was achieved. Minutes taken by Clinton Roy 2. Log of correspondence NIL 3. Items for discussion ASIC Update Lilac briefly speaking as to discussions with ASIC and form lodgement, around withdrawal of erroneous Form 490 and removal of late fee(s) Lilac: Carried forward agenda item regarding Robogals from 2022-04-13 meeting Dave, speaking on Drupal. Things are picking back up. Just had [...]

2022-10-21T19:23:24+11:00May 11th, 2022|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting 27th April 2022 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Joel Addison (President) Wil Brown (Vice-President) Clinton Roy (Secretary) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Neil Cox (Council) Apologies Lilac Kapul (Council) Meeting opened at 19:33 AEST by Joel and quorum was achieved. Minutes taken by Clinton Roy 2. Log of correspondence Mail from Katie about PyCon AU archives, discussed below. 3. Items for discussion Katie McLaughlin - PyCon AU Server Exports. (original request was 16 Sept 2021) "I wanted to know if you could provide any exports/downloads of hosted websites that you have on your systems; it's okay if it's a duplicate, [...]

2023-01-04T21:55:24+11:00April 27th, 2022|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting 13th April 2022 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Joel Addison (President) Wil Brown (Vice-President) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Neil Cox (Council) Lilac Kapul (Council) - joined part way through Admin Team report Apologies Clinton Roy (Secretary) Meeting opened at 19:35 AEST by Joel and quorum was achieved. Minutes taken by Jonathan. 2. Log of correspondence Drupal - David Sparks (apology) Admin team - Steve Walsh and Mike Beattie and claim requests lodged. is contended by (Netregistry, have put in a claim) and (a Redhat person, no claim from them yet). Suggest we reach out [...]

2023-01-04T21:55:42+11:00April 13th, 2022|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting 30th March 2022 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Joel Addison (President) Wil Brown (Vice-President) Clinton Roy (Secretary) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Lilac Kapul (Council) - joined 19:12, after PR vote Apologies Neil Cox (Council) Meeting opened at 20:00 AEDT by Joel and quorum was achieved. Minutes taken by Clinton 2. Log of correspondence Prod from Gold Coast LUG 3. Items for discussion A bunch of Linux Australia PRs are open, how do we decide on merging them? Review this recent one during the meeting: Clinton raises a motion to accept PR 44 to the CoC. Second: Wil Brown. [...]

2023-01-04T21:55:58+11:00March 30th, 2022|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting 16th March 2022 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Joel Addison (President) Wil Brown (Vice-President) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Neill Cox (Council) Lilac Kapul (Council) Apologies Clinton Roy (Secretary) Meeting opened at 20:05 AEDT by Joel and quorum was achieved. Minutes taken by Joel 2. Log of correspondence NIL 3. Items for discussion Drupal - Dave Sparks Working through budget at the moment ready to present back to LA No firm plans on holding an in person event this year, but there are some borders opening which makes things more encouraging Working on getting people interested in Drupal and giving [...]

2023-01-04T21:56:11+11:00March 16th, 2022|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting 2nd March 2022 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Joel Addison (President) Wil Brown (Vice-President) Clinton Roy (Secretary) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) (showed up just in time for the grants discussion) Lilac Kapul (Council) (showed up at the Makerspace discussion) Apologies Neil Cox (Council) Meeting opened at 20:08 AEDT by Joel and quorum was achieved. Minutes taken by Clinton Roy 2. Log of correspondence From Kathy Reid: Building a data trust for speech data from Linux Australia conferences - a plan, and an ask On face value it appears to be a good concept, the danger is working out how [...]

2023-01-04T21:56:23+11:00March 2nd, 2022|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |
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