Council Meeting 14th September 2022 – Minutes

Council Meeting 14th September 2022 – Minutes

2022-10-21T19:21:12+11:00September 14th, 2022|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


  • Joel Addison (President)
  • Wil Brown (Vice-President)
  • Clinton Roy (Secretary)
  • Jonathan Woithe (Council)
  • Neil Cox (Council)
  • Lilac Kapul (Council)


  • none


  • Russell Stuart (Treasurer)

Meeting opened at 19:35 AEDT by Joel  and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Clinton Roy


2. Log of correspondence

  • Grant application from Robyn Willison for E-Textiles Course
    Grant amount $800.

Community consultation closes Sun 18 Sep 2022. Decision to be made at Council’s next meeting.

Aim of the project: 6 week course to introduce cosplayers and others to Arduino and E-Textiles using the Little Bird EagLED board. EagLED is Littlebird Electronics’ wearables/e-textiles development kit. It is a complete Arduino compatible microcontroller that has LEDs, Light Sensor, Push Button and Buzzer built into a snippable board. It is a lower cost, fully featured alternative to the Lilypad Protosnap.

Course Outline: Installing software, Intro to programming, Examples from, Entering programs and uploading to the EagLED, Electronics, Building on existing programs / Modifying programs, Sewing a circuit, Making a toy

The course will run several times a year (or more) depending on interest.
The electronic parts will remain with Makerspace and students can buy their own EagLED board or use one of ours.
Cost to student TBC.
This is an in-person course because it is a practical course and will be run in the Electronics area at Makerspace Adelaide.
The primary take away from the course is for the students to be comfortable with uploading and modifying basic Aduino sketches, following a basic circuit diagram and  sewing a circuit / adding a circuit to their cosplay.

+1 from Sae Ra and Kathy Reid 

3. Items for discussion

  • Sponsorship request from OSGeo Oceania and the Pacific Geospatial and RS Council for the Pacific Geospatial Conference in Suva, Fiji in the week of 28 Nov 2022. Prospectus is at
    MOTION: Linux Australia agrees to sponsor OSGeo Oceana to a maximum amount of $3k.
    Motion is not passed, and Linux Australia will not sponsor.
    Jonathan will draft a response to send to OSGeo and post to list for review.
  • Communications Policy
    • communications-policy-DRAFT
    • Review period has now completed
    • If accepted, we will announce this to the mailing list and publish to the website in relevant places.
    • MOTION: That the Communications Policy be accepted and published, superseding the existing Mailing List policy.
      Motion passed unanimously.
      Jonathan to arrange to publish this on github and move the Mailing List policy to the archive.

4. Items for noting

  • Joel recommends following up on grant requests with questions on the list, so that the maximum number of people can see the grant request, and answers.

5. Other business

  • Administriva question about the Australia Post account.
  • Question from treasurer: Anybody know anything about the two LCA2022 bank account?
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