Council Meeting Tuesday 8th September 2020 – Minutes

Council Meeting Tuesday 8th September 2020 – Minutes

2021-01-15T09:54:21+11:00September 8th, 2020|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


Sae Ra Germaine

Jonathan Woithe

Julien Goodwin

Russell Stuart

Lisa Sands

Joel Addison

Benno Rice




Meeting opened at 1931 AEST by Sae Ra and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Julien.

2. Event Review


Admin Team


LCA 2020

LCA 2021

LCA 2022

3. Log of correspondence

  • From Youtube to council@ on 26 Aug 2020: Notification of copyright claim on LCA2015 conference opening by UMG (Universal Music Group) for “I Lived”.

Follow up from Ryan Verner (30 Aug 2020) suggests we provide a google account to which he can delegate access to allow further investigation.

  • AI: Sae Ra to look into
  • From <a member> to council@ on 27 Aug 2020: Raising the possibility of LA sponsoring applications and attendance at “Superstars of STEM 2020” ($50 application fee, $2600 attendance fee).
    • (Come back next meeting)
  • From Anchor to council@ on 2 Sep 2020: domain renewal due on 1 Nov 2020. A followup on 4 Sep 2020 indicated the domain formally expires on 4 Nov 2020.
    • Being dealt with.
  • Grant application from Lexi Maller: 3D scanning and printing of ceramics at Rockhampton Art Gallery. Received 4 Sep 2020. Community consultation closes 18 Sep 2020. To be discussed at Council meeting on 22 Sep 2020.
  • From <a member> to council@ on 4 Sep 2020: asking whether mailman comes with different internationalisations such as “English (Australia)”.
    • AI Jonathan to respond
  • From Agileware Support; Subject:    SUP-22079 : – 160% disk space quota used; Date:    Tue, 8 Sep 2020 14:29:00 +1000 (AEST).  They’ve reduced the backups to shrink us below 100%.

4. Items for discussion

  • Grant application from Ben Minerds: Hosting and services for Software Freedom Day and Free Software Melbourne meetups. Received 23 Aug 2020. Community consultation closed 6 Sep 2020.
    • MOTION BY Sae Ra That Linux Australia Accepts the Grant Proposal Software Freedom Day and Free Software Melbourne meetups submitted by Ben Minerds for $1140, and also recommends discussing with council (after software freedom day) to consider becoming a subcommittee of Linux Australia.
    • Seconded: Jonathan
    • Passed
  • Membership renewal mails do not appear to have gone out. Do we just renew everyone this time and deal with it next year?
    • Renewal mails were turned off.
    • AI Julien / Sae Ra to update members.
  • [JW] Can we formally adopt Sub-committee Policy v3 and put it up on github (soon to be our own gitlab instance)? According to Russell earlier this year this is considered to be the policy to use for all new subcommittees now. However, at present it’s not accessible along with the rest of our policies: we need to send people the gdocs link instead.
    • AI: Jonathan to do that

5. Items for noting

  • [JW] Links to policy page on Sub-committee webpage fixed.

6. Other business 

  • None

7. In camera

  • One item was discussed in camera


2037 AEST close

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