Council Meeting Tuesday 25th August 2020 – Minutes

Council Meeting Tuesday 25th August 2020 – Minutes

2021-01-14T13:49:19+11:00August 25th, 2020|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


Sae Ra Germaine

Jonathan Woithe

Julien Goodwin

Russell Stuart

Lisa Sands


Benno Rice

Joel Addison


Meeting opened at 1933 AEST by Sae Ra and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Julien.

2. Log of correspondence

  • Grant application from Ben Minerds: Hosting and services for Software Freedom Day and Free Software Melbourne meetups. Received 23 Aug 2020. Community consultation closes 6 Sep 2020. To be discussed at Council meeting on 8 Sep 2020.
    • AI: Jonathan to respond, pointing out the option of an LA subcommittee
  • Participation certificate question around pycon.
    • AI: Jonathan to forward on to the team

3. Items for discussion

  • From: Agileware Support; Subject:  SUP-20808 : – Other bots and nasty stuff poking the website; Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2020 09:39:00 +1000 (AEST).  Still seeing a fair amount of attacking requests. Again recommend signing up to Securi
    • MOTION: Russell Stuart moves LA installs Securi on our WordPress site, and LA approves the spending of AUD$200 per year for the basic subscription, ongoing until it is deemed no longer required.
    • SECONDED: Sae Ra
    • OUTCOME: Passed, one abstention.
    • AI: Russell to engage and determine next steps
  • HUMBUG asks LA if it can borrow LA’s Zoom account for it’s AGM on Saturday the 19th of September.
    • Approved.

4. Items for noting

  • Drupal Gov 2020 has been given bank accounts and Xero access.
  • Membership renewal mails will go out before our next meeting.
    • AI: Sae Ra will try and test this beforehand

5. Other business 

  • LCA2021 are meeting on Thursday
  • Mailing lists getting fake subscribe requests
    • AI: Sae Ra to look at just turning off sub requests
  • Sae Ra to start on annual report, we also need to start looking at AGM/Election dates.
  • Also the budget for LA’s next financial year.

6. In camera

  • No items were discussed in camera

Meeting closed at 2012

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