Council Meeting Tuesday 8th October 2019 – Minutes

Council Meeting Tuesday 8th October 2019 – Minutes

2021-01-03T21:08:34+11:00October 8th, 2019|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


Sae Ra Germaine

Julien Goodwin

Russell Stuart

Clinton Roy

Jonathan Woithe

Miles Goodhew


Joshua Hesketh


Meeting opened at 1931 AEDT by Sae Ra and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Julien.

2. Event Review

WordCamp Sydney/Port Macquarie 2019

Drupal South Hobart

Tech Team

LCA 2020

3. Log of correspondence

  • None

4. Items for discussion

  • F2F AI updates.
    • Sae Ra
      • Respond to NetThing
        • Done, invoice pending.
      • Respond to Vala
        • Done, also NAKd sponsoring at a lower rate.
      • Send call for Rusty Wrench nominations (drafted)
        • Hopefully sent today
    • Josh <All Done>
    • Russell:
      • Prep draft for constitutional change (in progress?)
      • Seek updated financial advice re investment
      • Draft budget (in progress)
    • Julien <All Done>
    • Jonathan <All Done>
    • Unassigned:
      • Call for feedback from SSC members
        • Assigned: Sae Ra
      • For subcommittee policy, we ask that events add a “would you like to join LA” checkbox
        • Done in the draft?
      • Need to mail a LCA 2022 expression of interest / bid request (in progress?)
        • Sae Ra has pages in a markdown file, possibly import into google docs with public view.
        • Julien volunteers to review docs
      • (Suggested Josh) Run a “running an LCA” BoF at LCA2020
        • Revisit to ensure someone does at LCA
      • <One sub-item redacted>
      • Come up with suggestions for CoC chair
        • Clinton to come up with suggestions later.
        • One suggestion was <redacted>, who was not interested in chairing.
  • Appoint/Find a Pycon 20/21 Steering committee rep.
    • AI: Julien to ask admin team to create a list, add Russel KM & Richard Jones to that list.
    • AI… Then ask that list to provide someone for our next meeting.

5. Items for noting

  • None

6. Other business 

  • Sae Ra will talk to Clinton re CoC later.
  • Discussion of subcommittee v3.

7. In camera

  • One item was discussed in camera.


2038 AEDT close

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