Council Meeting Tuesday 03rd February 2021 – Minutes

Council Meeting Tuesday 03rd February 2021 – Minutes

2023-01-04T22:03:06+11:00February 3rd, 2021|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


  • Sae Ra Germaine (President)
  • Joel Addison (Vice President)
  • Russell Stuart (Treasurer)
  • Clinton Roy (Secretary)
  • Jonathan Woite (Council)
  • Neil Cox (Council)
  • Russell Coker (Council)


  • None.

Meeting opened at 7:30 AEDT by Sae Ra and quorum was achieved.

Minutes of previous meeting held 12th January.

Minutes taken by Clinton Roy.

2. Log of correspondence

  • From Anchor to council@ on 12 Jan 2021: expires in 28 days (15 Feb 2021) and is therefore due for renewal. Follow up 16-day reminder received on 29 Jan 2021. Invoice for $66 received on 31 Jan 2021. [It is expected that admin-team will deal with this since they receive domain emails too, but is it worth confirming?]
  • From Google to council@ on 14 Jan 2021: app engine payment details reminder.
    [JW: Without payment details the service goes away on 31 Jan 2021. I think council agreed that it would left to lapse when this first came up at the end of 2020.]
  • From Anchor to council@ on 28 Jan 2021: 28-day reminder of expiration of domain (expiry date given as 26 Feb 2021).  On 31 Jan 2021 a 30-day about was sent quoting an expiry date of 1 Mar 2021. Something’s not quite right in Anchor’s systems: they seem to have two different records for with different expiry dates.
    [It has previously been agreed that will be left to lapse so long as all services have been migrated prior to the expiration date.]
  • From Kathy Reid,
    • Need to keep reading it.

3. Items for discussion

  • Stephen Rothwell asks whether LA can become registrant of the domain due to eligibility changes for “”. Refer to email to council@ on 15 Jan 2021.

The eligibility changes come into effect on 12 Apr 2021 and failing any registrant changes the domain will be deregistered on expiry on 2 Jul 2021.

  • LA has not budgeted for it, but it should be ok.
  • ACTION ITEM: Clinton to ask groups to become a subcommittee.
  • From: Stephen Dalton, Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2021 18:24:38 +1000, Subject: GCLUG
    • I spoke to Dave Baker who was one of the original gclug people with me all those years ago – he is keen to startup again and I’m keen to do it properly under LA. Let me know what the process is. There isn’t a lot of expense right now – our domain expired so I am going to register it again. For meetup I will just put it under the techspace meetup for now as that has a lot of followers. Other than that…. a bit of pizza for the first event wouldn’t go amiss!
      I’m also doing Barcamp again on Feb 7th and again in May. If there is a little bit of spare cash about I can put LA as one of the sponsors for one or both events. We are getting tshirts made so logos will be on shirt.
      My intention is now to run Barcamp every 3 months. It’s a QLD group so if anyone wants to run them in BNE I am happy to add them to meetup – it’s a unorganised group. It’s a good vehicle for connecting with Linux and Open source people though – we usually get plenty of freedom lovers.
      The event in May is at TAFE and will have a lot of school, TAFE and Uni Students – hoping more than 100 people for that one. Plenty of room there to be properly socially distant.
  • LCA 2021
    • Sae Ra: a fair bit to close up still
    • Still want to do a post event survey, David Bell, Joel Addison setting it up. (Conference todo, not a council todo)
    • Overall went well.
    • Budget: waiting for invoices, expecting a profit of $33k.
    • Sae Ra describes venueless, can upload video into the platform, and chat.
    • Same vendor as for pyconline as lca, but we ended up paying a lot more.
    • Justification for increase of cost is that pycon was a bit of a trial run, and they underestimated their cost.
    • The feeling is that LA might be getting taken for a ride with LA costs.
    • Trying to work out what we actually pay for, and what we get charged for.
    • Mentioning cTrix as a subcontractor.
    • Do we need to think about mandating the use of OS by a contractor.
  • LCA 2022
    • Sae Ra to move a motion to make Sae Ra an Joel official liaison of  lca2022. Neill Seconded the motion. All voted in favour.
    • ACTION ITEM: Debrief of lca2021 team, Russell and Clinton to lead it. The idea is to pass on useful knowledge to the next team.
  • JW: Subject to Treasurer approval: opening of 2021 Grant Program
    • Jonathan wants to know if there’s a grant program
    • Russell responds that it’s budgeted.
    • Jonathan moves  a motion that we move to open the 2021 grants program
    • Sae Ra seconds.

Everyone says aye.

ACTION ITEM: Jonathan to write up the announcement

4. Items for noting

  • NSW Fair trading Annual Return has been submitted and paid for

5. Other business

  • Joel and Clinton to shut down AWS and Google compute .
  • Jonathan, Julien and the Admin team have done the static page for the planet linux site.
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