Council Meeting Thursday 18th January 2018 – Minutes

Council Meeting Thursday 18th January 2018 – Minutes

2019-01-06T22:59:22+11:00January 18th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Agenda Thursday 18 January 2018

1. Meeting overview and key information


Cam, Kathy, Sae Ra, Hugh, Russell


Meeting opened by 1933hrs by Kathy and quorum was achieved

    Agenda summary – key items for discussion this agenda

2. Log of correspondence

Motions moved on list

Approved the grant request for Rowland Mos…. for the Flights to LCA.

ACTION: Kathy to followup with Rowland on how to get the monies

General correspondence

  • Beyond 2020 Alliance
    • No Update as at 04/01/2018
    • No Update
  • WordCamp Sydney 2018 at UTS – Wil Brown seeking insurance certificates of currency
    • Update 4th January – Wil has last 4 years Certificates of currency, waiting to hear back from UTS.
    • No Update
  • GNOME Asia Summit – request from Megan Cockroft, Melbourne Convention Bureau
  • Blue Hackers
    • Discussion around if we bring them into Linux Australia
    • Was an OSDC off
    • MOTION by Russell Linux Australia intervene on behalf of Blue Hackers to get the money out of PayPal.
      • Seconded by Kathy
      • Motion Passed unanimously
      • We should talk to Arjen about BlueHackers and what the next steps are. Do they want to be a subcommittee etc

4. Items for discussion

  • Annual Report

Everyone to review, add to it, comment on it, check if the wording is appropriate. Do we need to put it into a desktop publishing program as long as it doesn’t take too long.

Oh Noes we’re missing pages!


    • Discussion about Council elections for 2018-2019


  • 2 elections in progress. Everyone who nominated have a position. Still a vacancy at the AGM on monday night.
  • We will need to do next week is to induct them into the ways of our cult council. Like to organise a lunch for new council.
  • To change the name we will need to move a special resolution to change the name.


  • Membership platform:  on hold
  • Rebranding: Sae Ra to get in contact with Toby to approve and ask for the final invoice!
    • Sae Ra to followup on this.
  • LA Grants Submissions:




    • DrupalSouth chased
      • Close off
  • Working with WordCamps and WordPress user groups
    • Russell has told Dee of dates and times he is available.  Waiting on Dee.
    • Ongoing


  • OSI Membership


      • Action is with Kathy to follow this up – at this stage I’ll wait until new Council is in place and then re-confirm desire to proceed with this.
      • Not a priority. For next council.
      • We can announce that we are becoming members of OSI.


  • OSIA and LA Engagement


    • Nothing further / off channel from Jack Burton
    • Waiting for results of OSIA’s AGM
      • Ronald reached out to say can we have 5 minutes at LCA to talk about OSIA.
        • Encouraged to use the BOFs mechanism.
  • Opening of LCA2020 Bids
    • ACTION: Josh to follow-up with [BID DELETED FROM PUBLIC MINUTES]

        • The email has been sent to the team
        • Got back to josh, it’s very much. Need to work around the commonwealth games
        • LA are comfortable delaying until April/May/June we need to communicate that to the conference bureau


  • ACTION for new Council. Check which subcommittee is still running and which ones aren’t.
  • LUV


    • Kathy to reach out to LUV for a report.
    • Update 4th January – have chased again
    • Report has made it into the annual report


  • Event Updates:



    • LCA2019 update
      • Currently setting up domain names.
    • Kathy to followup domain names
      • This may be sorted. Sae Ra to find out.


  • PyConAU 2018
      • Mailing lists and website setup.
      • David to check during LCA to check how it’s all going.


  • Drupal South Auckland 2017 (Kathy)
    ACTION: Kathy to follow for a post-event and financial report
    Update 4th January: have chased


  • WordPress Sydney May 2018
  • Drupal South Canberra 2018
    • No dates as yet

5. Items for noting

    • Please refer to Action Items list for more items.
    • AGM in January !!!!! OMG
      • ACTION: Russell to chase the Auditor
      • Auditor chased, and has responded.  All done apart from an ongoing discussion with Russell about presentation of accruals (that don’t affect the final figures) , and waiting on Kathy to sign the Auditors report.
      • we need a returning officer.
        • Jon Oxer has agreed to be our returning officer
      • Need to issue an agenda before the AGM.
      • AGM Report in process.
      • The Auditor now has everything he has asked for in order to do the end of year audit.  This includes the bank statements. We are now waiting on him.


  • ACTION: Kathy do this ASAP!
  • OMG Agenda!!!!!!
  • Call from the floor for nominations to OCM positions




  • What else do we have to do to prep for the AGM?


    • Website – do we need to link up the meeting minutes?
      • To go through in camera stuff and remove them.

6. Other business


  • NZ Bank access.
    • Sae Ra to mail Fob to Russell
    • RUSSELL GOT THE FOBS!!!!!!!!!!

7. Other business

  • ACTION Kathy to book Council Dinner
    • Outgoing council the monday night and new council lunch during the week.
  • Thanks all for your efforts it’s been a great year.
    • It’s not David it’s Sae Ra Kathy

8. In camera

2010hrs close



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