Council Meeting Thursday 10th May 2018 – Minutes

Council Meeting Thursday 10th May 2018 – Minutes

2019-01-07T01:42:33+11:00May 10th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Agenda Thursday 10 May 2018

1. Meeting overview and key information


Cherie, Russell, Kathy, James


Hugh, Sae Ra & Cameron

Meeting opened at 1931AEST  by Kathy and quorum was achieved

Agenda summary – key items for discussion this agenda

2. Log of correspondence

Motions moved on list

  • Nil

General correspondence

  • Blue Hackers
    • ACTION: Russell to follow this up, still waiting for a response from Arjen
    • We are now waiting on Russell!
    • Still Pending.
  • Aptira partnering with Linux Foundation for OpenStack / Open Networking roadshow and series of one-day conferences
  • SLUG moving their DNS off LA (
    • Does LA want to delegate SLUG DNS servers away from LA? Context is provided in the email.
    • KR’s preference is that both Damion and Steve Walsh have control of the server so that control remains with LA. The main issue being a point of legal responsibility.
    • Discussion ensured; James and Russell argued that delegation of the domain doesn’t add any extra risk, and if problems arise we’ll be able to contact Anchor and re-delegate back to our services
    • ACTION: …. To check that Steve is comfortable that we’d be able to contact anchor and update glue to delegate back to our servers if problems arise
    • ACTION: Assuming Steve is comfortable, …. To ask him to go ahead and delegate as requested by Damion

4. Items for discussion

  • Membership platform:
    • Update 10th May – We’ve received a quote from AgileWare for the voting module for around $21k – much more than anticipated
      • Sae Ra/Kathy are investigating why this is so much larger than expected
      • Quote is to code a voting module from scratch, includes large amounts for unit testing and several other curious elements
    • ACTION: Kathy to email quote through to Council
    • KR would like to move ahead with the CiviCRM component
      • RS points out that moving ahead with CiviCRM without a plan for replacing the voting parts of MemberDB seems to be not entirely moving forward.
    • Decision: Hold off on moving forward until next meeting, to give RS time to investigate alternatives.
    • Followup from 26th April
      • WordPress build would be happening on our server
      • When does the CiviCRM support and updates start?
  • Rebranding:
    • Sae Ra and Kathy making progress with setting up VistaPrint account and ability to print things with the new logo
  • LA Grants Submissions:
    See related document (Grant information)
    See related information (Grant Applications)

    • Grant applications to be promoted this to go onto social media
    • Grant reviews to occur next meeting
    • ACTION: Kathy to check with Cameron whether this doc is current for 2018
  • Working with WordCamps and WordPress user groups
    • Dee and Dion have their bank accounts sorted and areas are now in Xero. YAY!
      • ACTION: Cherie to check the insurance regarding alcohol at events and insuring around that. Needs to get correct wording for RFI from insurance company
        • ACTION: Kathy to get back to Dion regarding this once insurance has been checked.


  • OSI Membership


    • Still awaiting confirmation / correspondence from OSI – their new Board has just been elected
      • On hold.
      • ACTION: Kathy to check where this is at.


  • OSIA and LA Engagement


      • No movement


  • Submissions/Papers in draft:


    • None at this stage.
  • EFA reachout
    • Peter Tonoli at EFA made some enquiries about a possible grant request, but nothing has been received yet.


  • ACTION for new Council. Check which subcommittee is still running and which ones aren’t.
  • ACTION: Cherie to complete the audit as to who is still active



  • ACTION: to formally create the Conference Support subcommittee


    • Terms of Reference?
      • ACTION: James to bring this up at the next Conference support subcommittee meeting.
        • To then be sent to Sae Ra for sanity checking and then sent to Admin


  • Email from MARK WARKOLM – DGR status for Linux Aus


      • ACTION: Russell has looked into the requirements, and LA may qualify after all. Suggests we seek advice on wording and application.
      • Russelll is moving this forward; has requested personal details from several concil members


  • Code of Conduct incident response training


    • Grant to be reviewed at the 24th May meeting. Please read up!


  • Event Updates:



  • LCA2018 update (James)


      • Post Event Email still not sent out. Bruce/James chatted today about this; we have a draft that’s mostly written.
      • Post Event Report – can we get template?
      • Survey will not be sent out and seeking feedback via the post event email.
      • Joel has <=3 outstanding things that require payment.


  • LCA2019


      • No updates
    • Internet Freedom Hackathon


  • Run in Melbourne and Brisbane. Got some shout outs. No invoice as yet.


      • Kathy has been following up but the contact person is on leave


  • ACTION: Kathy to continue followup the invoice. With Wrapup for the annual report for 2018


  • PyConAU 2018 – James Polley
    • 60 papers in CFP so far


  • LCA2020


    • PERSON has submitted a new budget. To be looked at by the next meeting.
      • KATHY MOTION that we approve the LOCATION budget as supplied by PERSON.
        • Deferred to mailing list due to insufficient numbers once RS abstains from voting
      • KATHY MOTION that we award LCA2020 to theLOCATION team.
        • Deferred to mailing list due to insufficient numbers once RS abstains from voting
      • ACTION Kathy to post both motions to the mailing list


  • WordPress Sydney May 2018


      • Onboarding happened
      • RS waiting on responses from WP people in order to set up bank accounts
      • One sponsor has signed up, others are in discussions


  • Drupal South Canberra 2018


    • DrupalSouth and DrupalGov are to be combined
    • Expecting around 400
    • Venue same as DrupalGov 2017, which can accomodate 500
    • Aiming for November, has to be a non-sitting week
    • Program will be government heavy
    • Kathy has seen budget and it seems sensible and low-risk
    • Next action will be to review and perhaps approve a budget, probably at the next meeting

5. Items for noting


  • auIGF:


    • Linux Australia has reached out to the AuSpicing group.

6. Other business

  • Data-breach policy:
  • Storage unit has been moved and is smaller and cheaper.
  • Admin Team infrastructure.
    • Sae Ra to organise the call –
      • Sae Ra is talking with Steve on the 10th about the various teams. Once Terms of Reference has been written up for the Conf Team we can proceed.
  • Outstanding GitHub pull requests. Cherie’s recommendations:
    • #30, #12. That we amend the text to say “”platform bashing” – unqualified pejorative claims about the quality or validity of languages, technologies, etc. In other words, critique, open discussion, tongue-in-cheek humour and clearly stated personal opinions are welcome; aggressive and/or contemptuous language is not.”
    • #22. That Russell check details and make recommendations
    • #23. That we accept the minor change
    • #24. That we leave it as it is
    • #25. That we simplify the text to “+Any public presentation or communication which is part of any event and/or other spaces associated with the conference, is subject to this code of conduct and thus may not contain:”

ACTION: Cherie to email these (with links) to the list for people to vote on

7. Backburner

8. In camera

20.37 AEST close


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