Council Meeting Thursday 26th April 2018 – Minutes

Council Meeting Thursday 26th April 2018 – Minutes

2019-01-07T01:15:02+11:00April 26th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Minutes Thursday 26 April 2018

1. Meeting overview and key information


Cameron, Sae Ra, Cherie, James, Russell, Kathy



Meeting opened by 1933ADST by  and quorum was achieved

Agenda summary – key items for discussion this agenda

2. Log of correspondence

Motions moved on list

  • Nil

General correspondence

  • Blue Hackers
    • ACTION: Russell to follow this up, still waiting for a response from Arjen
    • We are now waiting on Russell!
    • Pending.
  • Aptira partnering with Linux Foundation for OpenStack / Open Networking roadshow and series of one-day conferences
    • Kathy spoke with Tristan Goode from Aptira – they are planning to do a series of open networking roadshows in partnership with Linux Foundation, and wanted to check that it wouldn’t conflict with LCA. Kathy has advised Tristan that there’s no conflict – the communities are both large enough to sustain separate events. Kathy provided info on LA sponsorship. Tristan advised that Linux Foundation may wish to partner further with Linux Australia; no specific action other than to be aware.

4. Items for discussion

  • Membership platform:
    • UPDATE 26th April – we have a formal quote from AgileWare – Kathy is seeking approval to proceed. Should we get AgileWare to build it on their servers first then bring it over? Or have them host it in Australia?
      • Kathy to clarify:
        • What is the WordPress Build
        • When does the CiviCRM support and updates start
  • Rebranding:
  • LA Grants Submissions:
    • Grant applications to be promoted this to go onto social media
  • Working with WordCamps and WordPress user groups
    • Dee and Dion have their bank accounts sorted and areas are now in Xero. YAY!
      • ACTION: Cherie to check the insurance regarding alcohol at events and insuring around that.
        • ACTION: Kathy to get back to Dion regarding this once insurance has been checked.


  • OSI Membership


    • Still awaiting confirmation / correspondence from OSI – their new Board has just been elected
      • On hold.
      • ACTION: Kathy to check where this is at.


  • OSIA and LA Engagement



  • Submissions/Papers in draft:


    • None at this stage.
  • EFA reachout
    • Nothing as yet. On hold.


  • ACTION for new Council. Check which subcommittee is still running and which ones aren’t.
  • ACTION: Cherie to complete the audit as to who is still active



  • ACTION: to formally create the Conference Support subcommittee


    • Terms of Reference?
      • ACTION: James to bring this up at the next Conference support subcommittee meeting.
        • To then be sent to Sae Ra for sanity checking and then sent to Admin


  • Email from MARK WARKOLM – DGR status for Linux Aus


      • ACTION: Russell has looked into the requirements, and LA may qualify after all. Suggests we seek advice on wording and application.
      • Not urgent
      • No response as yet. Russell to chase once back from the holidays 🙂 Russell will be out of action due to said holidays
      • ACTION: Russell to fill in the webform 🙂
      • Webform started – waiting on Russell receiving the dirt on committee members.


  • Code of Conduct incident response training


    • Katie to send through a grant request for this.
    • Off the agenda until grant submission is received.


  • Event Updates:



  • LCA2018 update (James)


      • Post Event Email still not sent out. Bruce/James chatted today about this; we have a draft that’s mostly written.
      • Post Event Report – can we get template?
      • Survey will not be sent out and seeking feedback via the post event email.
      • Joel has 3 outstanding things that require payment.


  • LCA2019


      • Student Accom has been looked at. Still able to get the reasonable priced accom and there is a chance that if they book up there is another building that they can release rooms for. Reached out to hotels and airbnb.
    • Internet Freedom Hackathon


  • Run in Melbourne and Brisbane. Got some shout outs. No invoice as yet.
  • ACTION: Kathy to followup the invoice. With Wrapup for the annual report for 2018


    • PyConAU 2018 – James Polley
      • Live Budget
        • 2017 actual Sat/Sun attendance: 512, net sponsor: $44K
          2018 projected  Sat/Sun attendance: 620, net sponsor: $58K
        • Sponsorship target has been met, more sponsors coming down the pipeline still.
        • Russell KM does not understand these attendance numbers and wants to talk to Russell S about them.
        • Russell held review with PyconAU.  Minutes posted to council@l.o.a. Highlights:
          • Council concerns over budget communicated.
          • PyconAU attempting to give LA admin access to there conference management system to provide more visibility.
          • PyconAU will give LA more time to review the 2020/2021 PyconAU bid proposal.
      • CFP has opened. If we can do anything to re-share those they won’t be too worried about it.
      • Met the sponsorship goal based on who have signed contracts.
      • Still quite a few coming in the pipeline
      • Previous Year’s Budget:
      • Blind CFP process is happening currently.


  • LCA2020


    • Joel has submitted a new budget. To be looked at by the next meeting.


  • WordPress Sydney May 2018


      • JP Caught up with Dee/Wil/Kristen today
      • Motion: Can we approve budget based on the new scenarios, on the understanding that we’ll move between scenarios based on income received?
      • MOTION BY SAE RA GERMAINE that LINUX AUSTRALIA accepts the WordPress Sydney May 2018 budget and to form the subcommittee based on SubCommittee Policy V2.
        • Seconded by: KATHY REID
        • ACTION: Russell to get in touch with the treasurer to get the onboarding going.
        • Onboarding done.


  • Drupal South Canberra 2018


    • ACTION: Kathy to reach out and find out what’s going on.
    • Reached out to Chris Skene.
    • ACTION: Kathy  to keep on pinging
    • BAD KATHY!

5. Items for noting


  • auIGF:


    • Linux Australia has reached out to the AuSpicing group.

6. Other business

7. Backburner

8. In camera

2100hrs close

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