1. Meeting overview and key information
- Joel Addison (President)
- Wil Brown (Vice-President)
- Neill Cox (Secretary)
- Sae Ra Germaine (Council)
- Marcus Herstik (Council)
- Russell Stuart (Treasurer)
- Jonathan Woithe (Council)
Meeting opened at 19:35 AEST by Joel and quorum was achieved.
Minutes taken by Neill Cox
2. Log of correspondence
- Enquiry from Fheba Shibu re Linux conference
Wil has responded.
- Russel Stuart: Is it time to shut down the IWS LA Subcommittee?
- Lachlan de Waard: Help me understand Android development costs
3. Items for discussion
- DrupalSouth 2024 Budget
- Dave has sent through a proposed budget for review.
- A/V costs seem very low, and even so are not included in the P/L calculations. Possibly because it’s included in the venue cost? Is recording planned and is there a quote/budget for this?
- Confirm with DrupalSouth who the team members are for the conference
- Russell to respond following meeting.
4. Items for noting
- Everything Open 2024
- Received updated numbers from Gladstone today, still need to work through them. Will aim to do this by the end of the week and provide an update to everyone over the weekend. Looks like it should be financially viable, but a more detailed evaluation needs to be done.
- The Gladstone dates are the same as the Drupal South dates which is not ideal.
- No further update from Adelaide.
5. Other business
- Sae Ra and Neill are currently storing a large amount of gear for Linux Australia. It would be good to find a better home for it. The A/V equipment should be shipped to Joel.
Meeting closed at 20:14 AEST
Next meeting is scheduled for 2023-08-16