Council Meeting April 26th 2023 – Minutes

Council Meeting April 26th 2023 – Minutes

2023-04-26T21:02:05+10:00April 26th, 2023|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


  • Joel Addison (President)
  • Wil Brown (Vice-President)
  • Neill Cox (Secretary)
  • Russell Stuart (Treasurer)
  • Sae Ra Germaine  (Council)
  • Jonathan Woithe (Council)



  • Marcus Herstik (Council)


Not Present


Meeting opened at 19:33 AEDT by Joel Addison and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Neill Cox


2. Log of correspondence

  • Drupal South transactions
  • BAS Time – Joel is woking through the remaining items with Russell
  • Free Software Australia held an event on 20 Apr
  • EO 2024 Adelaide Proposal – Joel and Sae Ra have met with Mike and made some suggestion for dealing with the venue. Joel and Sae Ra have also cautioned Mike against trying to grow too big too soon.
  • Russell Coker’s LA Membership has expired and he has asked us to renew it. Wil has overridden the expiry. Jonathan will notify Russell and suggest a password reset.
  • ASIC Invoice due for payment – it has been paid.

3. Items for discussion

  • VALA Request for Video Hosting: (link redacted)
    • Note that Sae Ra is the current president of VALA.
    • VALA is currently hosting their current videos with their previous A/V provider who have now decided to charge a significant fee.
    • Another VALA member has suggested that their could be mutual benefits in VALA hosting their content at LA and in return assisting with metadata, indexing, setting up a PeerTube instance and lining content to the National EDeposit
    • VALA have ethical and commercial concerns that mean they do not want to host their content on YouTube.
    • PeerTube looks like an interesting platform for LA to explore, but VALA would be willing to consider alternatives.
    • Improving the ability to find things on the LA mirror would certainly be worthwhile.
    • Council will ask the admin/mirror (Steve Walsh initially) team to provide an opinion on the impact on our infrastructure, particularly regarding storage.
    • PeerTube is a separate issue, but something to be considered as a future option. Sae Ra will start the discussion with Steve.


  • Australian Computer Museum Society Grant Proposal(s)
    • We are currently waiting on ACMS to respond to Jonathon’s feedback on their proposals. We need to approve a membership request from Adrian Franulović


Subcommittee Update

  • 19:35 Drupal South – David Sparks
    • Drupal South happening in just over two weeks. Going pretty well. 80 talk submissions. Been able to curate a good programme with two local keynotes. Initial ticket sales were strong, but have hit the usual lull before the final week. Even without more tickets, and without final sponsors who have not yet committed then looking at  2k loss. 150 ticket sales so far. Biggest difference to the budget this year is a lack of midsize sponsors. The two top tier sold out quickly. Not helped by the conference being in the same financial year as the last one, and also pressure on spending for many companies.
    • Six months ago it looked like a hefty profit.
    • A few venue issues, but nothing major. The venue is no more expensive than the hotels were.
    • Looking at an Australian venue for 2024, but it’s been hard to nail down a venue.
    • One new thing this year is an awards ceremony with six categories and 20 entries. May collapse the categories down to 4.
    • Considering awards only tickets for local agencies.
    • Suggestion that Drupal South consider multi year sponsorships for the future.
    • Talks are being recorded. Focussing on capturing slides and audio. The team have an A/V person who will be handling recording.
    • Good sponsorship for the awards, so decent trophies and post conference coverage expected.
    • Considering a one day conference in Canberra in September.


  • 19:45 Admin Team – Steve Walsh
    • Not a lot to report. Some domain renewals due. It looks like the letsencrypt certificate are better supported by government agencies so it should be possible to use them for the conference websites. Certificates expire in June. expires on 16 June.
    • Our footprint is not large enough to provide top notch spam/virus filtering. It would also perhaps be good to have email not on our infrastructure in case of an outage.
    • Sae Ra and Steve will investigate commercial options.
    • Servers at ANU need to be moved to different racks. That will be a multiple step process but still involve an outage.
    • The old cisco servers will be auctioned off on ebay. We are unlikely to get much for them, but they should sell. Could offer them to the community but as is – no options for more changes to config.


  • 19:55 PyConAU – Unable to attend due to late notice
    • Unfortunately Richard Jones couldn’t attend or find a replacement due to the late notice.


  • 20:05 Joomla – Patrick Jackson
    • We should reach out to the Joomla team to see if we can help. It looks like their next meeting may be on 20 May. Sae Ra will try to attend.


  • 20:15 Flounder –  Russell Coker
    • No show.


4. Items for noting

  • Insurance renewals for three of four policies have gone through at a similar price to last year. We’re now waiting on the Travel Insurance policy.
  • QA Session for EO 2024 will be held on Monday 8 May. An email will be sent out tomorrow requesting registration for people interested in running a conference.

5. Other business

  • None.
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