Council Meeting 26th October 2022 – Minutes

Council Meeting 26th October 2022 – Minutes

2022-11-09T20:49:54+11:00October 26th, 2022|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


  • Joel Addison (President)
  • Wil Brown (Vice-President)
  • Russell Stuart (Treasurer)
  • Jonathan Woithe (Council)


  • Clinton Roy (Secretary)
  • Neil Cox (Council)
  • Lilac Kapul (Council)

Not Present

Meeting opened at 20:05 AEDT by Joel  and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Jonathan.


2. Log of correspondence

  • 17th October, From Marcus Herstik, Subject: Request for information
    • Minutes from committee and subcommittee meetings
    • A copy of any emails that are meeting minutes
    • Financial statements for 2021-22 and 22 YTD
    • List of members including contact details for the purpose of contacting members
  • 18th October, From Marcus Herstik, Subject: Reminder of request for information
  • 18th October, From Tim White, via web form. Informing Council that the website login was not working.
  • 22nd October, From Kathy Reid, Subject: Changes to the NSW Fair Trading Act Model Constitution…
  • 24th October, From Bret Busby. They would like the identity of the person requesting membership list information to be distributed using the same channels as the notification about the request.
  • 26th October, From David Hartley via web form. Enquiry about purchasing Linux Mint DVDs in Australia. Reply sent by Jonathan. No further action required.

3. Items for discussion

  • Do we need to change the wording in the constitution S7(3) and S7(4) to explicitly state what register data a member can receive upon request?
    Should we consider a special resolution to change the timeframe for requests in constitution S7(3) from “five business days” to “30 business days” to bring it in line with FOI requests or is 5 days sufficient time?
    Flagging the need to update the constitution in line with changes made to the NSW Fair Trading Act model constitution?

    • LA should update the wording of the LA constitution to align with the changes to the model constitution.
    • Council does not believe there is sufficient time to draft changes, present these to the membership, collate and act on community feedback, and organise a vote by the 2023 AGM.
    • Council will start investigating what needs to be done to make this happen. The intent is to have this work completed by the 2024 AGM.
  • Bret Busby’s request as per correspondence:
    • Council believes that sending the identity of the requestor using the original notification channels could be seen by some as an attack on the requestor who has a constitutional right to request the information.
    • AI – Jonathan: notify Bret that the information he requested will be in the minutes to be published after the meeting.

4. Items for noting

5. Other business

  • No other business.
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