Council Meeting 18th August 2021 – Minutes

Council Meeting 18th August 2021 – Minutes

2023-01-04T22:00:13+11:00August 18th, 2021|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


  • Joel Addison (Vice President)
  • Clinton Roy (Secretary)
  • Jonathan Woite (Council)
  • Russell Coker (Council)
  • Sae Ra Germaine (President)
  • Neil Cox (Council)


–    Russell Stuart (Treasurer)

Meeting opened at 19:32 AEDT by Sae Ra  and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Clinton Roy

2. Log of correspondence

3. Items for discussion

  • Owen speaking for Drupal. Conference happening tomorrow. Numbers and budget looking good, about 220 attendees. Numbers are lower than hoped for, but the budget is still in the black. There are actually two events purchased by the one ticket. Founder of Drupal as a speaker. Trying an interactive format, lots of panels, lots of virtual hallways.  Short format, starts at eleven, finishes at three. Sae Ra notes that the group has a decent amount of sponsorship, Owen says they’ve sold roughly 90% of their sponsorship slots.
  • Steve speaking for the Admin team. Looked at the DKIM stuff. Joel to see a testing account in the lca2022 domain. Needs to work on not using exim in the RT instance, that’s not properly supported. Sae Ra needs to schedule in a day to do the work on the website changeover. It’s apparently difficult to change the domain of the website, which is a drama when you’re trying to host it on a temporary testing domain. Might need to work with the supplier to work out a short term solution for testing.
  • Sae Ra to talk about Joomla as she attended the Joomla Australia User Group Meeting. They were celebrating the 16th birthday of Joomla, along with version 4. Had their first general meeting as an LA sub committee.

Sae Ra talking about lca 2021, she’s going to mail out the thank you gifts next week. Close  to ninety odd packages to send. Fortunately the gifts are not perishable.

Sae Ra to talk about lca 2022. Things are moving..slowly. A lot of action items on Sae Ra’s plate. Clinton offers to be second in charge for GLaM conference. Concern on the low number of submissions. There are plans to tap past speakers. Looking for keynotes.

Richard to talk about PyCon Australia. Twenty two days to the event. Currently in the throws of wrangling the recalcitrant speakers, making sure they’ve registered, signed up to the chat service, done their tech checks etc. The second of three tech check nights is tonight, one of the keynotes was dialing in at 1am local time for that…Engaged a transcription company to do captioning for the two main tracks on Saturday. Reasonably simple tech setup for them. Going to be advising people not to have viewing parties given the current circumstances. Ticket sales: 172 tickets. Sponsorship is at 20k paid, 16k yet to the paid, which would put them in the black. All volunteer roles are filled, they’ve had one volunteer session, and an all hands meeting. Final training sessions are planned for about a week out. Still need a few bodies for the safety team. Clinton asks about Swag sales, unsure of sales. A quick lookup shows sold 87 items. Mug design has been approved and is being approved. Joel asks how the AV team is dealing with captioning, the chosen provider was nominated by the AV team, so there’s a previous working relationship there.

Strategy not Strategy meeting. What are we going to do about lca2023? About the idea of having portfolios, membership, comms etc.

4. Items for noting

  • Sae Ra attended a google workshop on running an open source community. Tested a taxonomy of tasks that need to be done, and it seemed to be very concentrated on named positions.
  • Sae Ra’s bank second auth factor has finished, Russell to work with Sae Ra to test another second factor method. Clinton notes that he still can’t second any payment requests.

5. Other business

  • Grant request from Kathy Reid. No feedback given. For Canberra Python users group.

Sae Ra moves a motion to accept Kathy Reid’s grant request for the Canbeer Python User group up to cover drinks and food up to $100/month, totally $1200. Seconded by Neill.

Yes: All

No: None

Abstain: None.

Motion is passed.

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