1. Meeting overview and key information
- Sae Ra Germaine (President)
- Joel Addison (Vice President)
- Clinton Roy (Secretary)
- Jonathan Woite (Council)
- Neil Cox (Council)
- Russell Coker (Council)
-Russell Stuart (Treasurer) (did arrive late)
Meeting opened at 19:35 AEDT by Sae Ra and quorum was achieved.
Minutes taken by Clinton Roy.
2. Log of correspondence
3. Items for discussion
- Sae Ra to do the training for new users with clinton, hopefully straight after the meeting.
- Sae Ra has started doing some of the insurance details, to Clinton. Less events, less volunteers should mean lower premium.
4. Items for noting
- Sae Ra has cleaned up the press email list. The admin team are looking at rebuilding the mailman server in the future.
5. Other business
- Sae Ra to send out dates for remote strategy session.
- Joel has transferred most of the LCA website to static stuff, it’s nearly time to shut off the google cloud stuff. Clinton to get a refund for all the previous months hostings.