Council Meeting 12th May 2021 – Minutes

Council Meeting 12th May 2021 – Minutes

2023-01-04T22:01:35+11:00May 12th, 2021|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


  • Joel Addison (Vice President)
  • Clinton Roy (Secretary)
  • Jonathan Woite (Council)
  • Russell Coker (Council)
  • Russell Stuart (Treasurer)


–    Sae Ra Germaine (President)

  • Neil Cox (Council)

Meeting opened at 19:34 AEDT by Joel Addison and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Clinton Roy

2. Log of correspondence

  • From Sae Ra

Not Strategy, Strategy Session, 22nd of May.

  • The Agenda is as follows: Please take this in to consideration and please come prepared.
  • What would you like to achieve on Council this year?
  • How do you think we can achieve it?
  • How can we improve the pipeline for recruiting new Council Members?
  • Documentation Processes for Council Members
  • What do we expect in a Hybrid Conference?
  • Budget and Conference Strategy for 2022
  • What needs prioritising for 2021?


All has now been paid but there’s a proposal form that we need to fill in for the broker. If Russell and Joel could please look at the file and provide the Country breakdown on income:

To be insured with minimal premiums we need to have the following:

  •     Encryption of sensitive data
  •     A Cyber Incident Response Plan
  •     Data backup and recovery procedures
  •     Business Continuity and/or Disaster Recovery Plans
  •     Software patching procedures
  •     Antivirus and firewalls

Given that we will now be doing more and more online and are moving to host our Membership website back on our servers we will need to ensure that this is covered.

ACTION ITEM: Joel and Russell to look into the country breakdown on costs, and all the cyber insurance measures.

  • Grant application submitted by Ben Minerds for consideration at next Council meeting.

ACTION ITEM: Clinton to add grant application to next council’s agenda.

3. Items for discussion

Russell discusses PyCon and Drupal subcommittees, they still need to go through the financial induction.

ACTION ITEM: Russell to reach out to PyCon and Drupal subcommittees to finalise things.

4. Items for noting

  • LCA2022 infrastructure is being setup, slowly.
  • Session Selection members still need to be found
  • ACTION ITEM: Sae Ra to reach out to a a couple of people that are interested.
  • ACTION ITEM: Clinton to put out feelers out as well.
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