1. Meeting overview and key information
- Joel Addison (Vice President)
- Clinton Roy (Secretary)
- Jonathan Woite (Council)
- Russell Coker (Council)
- Russell Stuart (Treasurer)
- Sae Ra Germaine (President)
– Neill Cox (Council)
Meeting opened at 19:31 AEDT by Sae Ra and quorum was achieved.
Minutes taken by Clinton Roy
2. Log of correspondence
From: Russell Coker, Subject: Subcommittee list
Russel sends through some updated LUV information, Sae Ra takes it as an ACTION ITEM to upgrade LUV’s subcommittee details on the website.
3. Items for discussion
- Charity/Raffle: If we ran an lca charity raffle, do we need to follow online gambling rules? Will this affect our .org.au eligibility. Do we need to abide by a particular state’s rules? ACTION ITEM: Russell stuart to investigate all lca charity raffle obligations.
- Strategy Not Strategy weekend. Sae Ra says four people have responded to the doodle poll, asks for others to fill out. Sae Ra asks someone to think about the Linux Australia talk.
4. Items for noting
5. Other business
- Russell Stuart talks about Exchange Traded Funds. How they work, what the tradeoffs are. Earnings levels go from 6% to 11% depending on the level of risk you’re willing to take. There are ethical funds, where the definition of ethical is flexible, generally no weapons, sometimes no coal. ACTION ITEM Russell to put together a proposal for using of these on the strategy day.
- Strategy day is now set for August 14th at 9:30am.
- ACTION ITEM Russell to try to work out the non-reconciling Google cloud invoices.