Council Meeting 23rd June 2021 – Minutes

Council Meeting 23rd June 2021 – Minutes

2023-01-04T22:00:59+11:00July 23rd, 2021|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


  • Joel Addison (Vice President)
  • Clinton Roy (Secretary)
  • Jonathan Woite (Council)
  • Russell Coker (Council)
  • Russell Stuart (Treasurer)
  • Sae Ra Germaine (President)


–    Neil Cox (Council)

Meeting opened at 19:35 AEDT by Sae Ra  and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Clinton Roy

2. Log of correspondence

3. Items for discussion

  • Drupal stuff –
  • Executive round table, first even with new event organiser, went pretty well, close to the turnout they were hoping for. Audience was their target audience, cto level using drupl. Had a really good talk from premiers tech/digital team.

    One virtual event in august, another in october. Going to try for more audience interaction. Got the format worked out, CFP is about to go out. Need to line up everything else (keytnotes, sponsorships etc) Stuff will happen in the next two weeks. Will probably look for an advance for online platform the event organiser. $17k for online platform, $15-20 for the organiser. They have access to their bank accounts.  Clinton is curious about the focus on interaction, shorter presentations, longer time for questions, curated panel discussions, the audience can ask questions. Three and a half hour program. And doing two of them, rather than one.

    Sae Ra mentions contact with Brian Gilbert for a potential subcommittee for druxt(???) suggested that they reach out to Owen.


  • Admin team – Steve speaking. Not much to report on top of last time. SSL certs were updated across all VMs, created and given to Joel to roll out. Joel has an outstanding request for domain and RT instance for lca2021, tonight or tomorrow. Sae Ra and Steve have had a discussion about the web updates. Have had a discussion with Steve Hanlely about the mirror, it’s built, it’s syncing files regularly. Have 1.2T on the old, on the new have 9.7T available, SH is going to enable a few distro mirrors since we have the space.

    Sae Ra asks about syncing of pycon videos, a key has been made so that videos can be uploaded. Going to run a  trial vote sometime in July. Sae Ra to update some of the pages. Sae Ra will ping Ryan. Everyone is struggling to remember what was happening with older conferences, where files have been uploaded or saved.

  • Patrick could not join us due to previous commitments, but did pass through this update of what has been happening: The Joomla Australia committee are now in the process of reviewing the first draft of the agreement, and will be meeting during the next fortnight to discuss and finalise the first draft to share with the LA Council for your meeting July 7 at this stage. Once the draft is completed by our committee, we’ll then share it with you for distribution to the council to look at prior to the council meeting.
  • LCA2021: Sae Ra still to send off thank you gifts.

4. Items for noting

  • Sae Ra heard back from with approval for the proposal to own the linux.aus.* namespace.
  • Brian Gilbert reached out, wants to set up a nfp for druxt.js. Sae Ra thinks she convinced them to become a subcommittee.

5. Other business

  • Jonathan asks Treasurer Russell if Software Freedom Day has taken their money, answer is no, Jonathan will ping them again.
  • Sae Ra will send out a doodle poll in the next few days about the second strategy not strategy meeting.
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