Council Meeting Tuesday 1st December 2020 – Minutes

Council Meeting Tuesday 1st December 2020 – Minutes

2021-01-15T10:05:37+11:00December 1st, 2020|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


Sae Ra Germaine

Jonathan Woithe

Julien Goodwin

Russell Stuart

Lisa Sands

Joel Addison

Benno Rice




Meeting opened at 1930 AEDT by Sae Ra and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Julien.

2. Event Review


Admin Team


LCA 2020

LCA 2021

LCA 2022

3. Log of correspondence

  • 23 Nov 2020: Mailchimp policy update notification sent to council@.
    • N/A as the account has been closed
    • Data export saved into our Google Drive
  • From: Xero; Date: Mon 30 Nov 2020, Subject: Xero pricing changes, Summary: Price is going up by $2/mo.

4. Items for discussion

  • AGM timing
    • We’ll continue as planned, Julien & Sae Ra to ensure the announcements go out.
  • Do we have a meeting on the 29th of December, if not 12th Jan is normal (just before AGM)
    • No to the end of December, yes to the January
  • LCA YouTube account (Joel)
    • Setup more formal escalation paths for LCA (and other LA-affiliated events) in future
    • Register for YouTube Partner Programme to get additional support avenues.
    • Need to create an AdSense account for this
    • Do not need to enable monetisation now or future, but do need to decide whether existing videos should have monetisation enabled when we join the program.
    • AI: Sae Ra will move this on list so people have time to review

5. Items for noting

  • Rusty wrench nom period ongoing
    • 2 proper nominations received
    • 1 resubmission of a nomination from last year requested
    • 1 apparently coming
  • Jonathan reached out to <a member> re Code of Conduct concerns, haven’t gotten a response
  • Grant application for Software Freedom Day, no response from them, so grant has lapsed.
  • <our contact on the CovidSafe analysis team> has yet to provide information about the FOI costs associated with his group’s work on the COVIDsafe app.

6. Other business 

  • None

7. In camera

  • No items were discussed in camera

2038 AEDT close

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