Council Meeting Thursday 29th March 2018 – Minutes

Council Meeting Thursday 29th March 2018 – Minutes

2019-01-07T00:41:56+11:00March 29th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Agenda Thursday 29 March 2018

1. Meeting overview and key information

Present: Kathy, Cameron, Sae Ra, James, and Russell


Cherie, Hugh

Meeting opened by 1932ADST by  and quorum was achieved

Agenda summary – key items for discussion this agenda

2. Log of correspondence

Motions moved on list

  • Support and sponsorship of the Internet Freedom Hack in April
    • ACTION: Kathy to update Facebook

General correspondence

4. Items for discussion

  • Standing item: review activities list for new items
    (this document helps tell us what new activities to expect or plan for)
  • Council Face to Face #1 to be held Weekend of the 13th of April 2018
    • To be held in Melbourne. Brady Hotel, Little LaTrobe Street (
      • Booked, hotel has everyone’s name on file so arrive and say your name.
      • Arrive Friday, check out Sunday
      • Carlee at Flight Centre has been notified of who needs travel planned
      • Dietary requirements to be advised – Bacon x1000
      • Invoice for accom falls 1 month before F2F
      • Invoice has been paid.
    • Running sheet and budget is here:
      • ACTION: James, Cherie, russell,  contact Carlee and arrange own travel
      • Please input your flight arrival times and rough times you will need to leave to make your flight on the sunday.
      • Include contact details and dietary requirements
    • Agenda will be sent out closer to the event. Plans for the year ahead, key risks, budget, f2f specific discussions.
      • Succession planning.
      • FOOD!
    • Cherie and Russell to discuss Xero procedures after the meeting
  • Membership platform:
    • ACTION: Kathy to provide links to information to James & Cherie
      UPDATE: This information was provided on 6th March.
      Kathy would now like to progress with the membership platform by engaging Agileware – and starting the process.
    • MOTION by Sae Ra Germaine that Linux Australia move ahead with Agileware and start scoping the process.
      • Seconded: Kathy Reid
      • Motion passed.
    • Looking forward to chatting on tuesday.
      • Sae Ra to join the call with Kathy.
  • Rebranding:
  • LA Grants Submissions:
    • ACTION: CAMERON  to think this through on how the submission process is to take place. Eg a second mailing list for community feedback.
    • Initial announcement to come from the announce list.
      • Moving to a new mailing list.
      • Sae Ra has pinged Duncan regarding the UX grant.
      • 35K is the current amount available
      • Applicants need to be a member of Linux Australia.
      • This should be released next week.
  • Placeholder near grants – Diversity training for conferences
  • Working with WordCamps and WordPress user groups
    • Dee and Dion have their bank accounts sorted and areas are now in Xero. YAY!
      • ACTION: Cherie to check the insurance
        • ACTION: Kathy to get back to Dion regarding this once insurance has been checked.


  • OSI Membership


    • Still awaiting confirmation / correspondence from OSI – their new Board has just been elected
      • On hold.


  • OSIA and LA Engagement



  • Submissions/Papers in draft:


    • Open Government paper
  • EFA reachout – Kathy is videoconf’ing with Lyndsey Jackson from EFA on 16th Feb, update to be provided next meeting
    • Challenge that EFA, is wondering what options EFA has with access to LA money.
      • Grants money is available. And what the process is around there.
      • Lyndsey to reach out to us regarding structure of their proposal.
      • LA isn’t opposed to the idea but would need to take it on a case by case basis.
      • The price of $100-$300 a year for organisational membership.
    • Nothing more from EFA.  What are they offering for corporate membership. Currently it is at $400.
  • LCA2020
    • Team reasonably experienced
      • but perhaps a little small, and lacking direct connections to the coast
    • JP: Suggest that we *don’t* confirm that they’ve won the bid until Russell has negotiated detailed contracts with all venues
    • Next actions:
      • See a budget and approve the budget.
      • Accept the subcommittee
      • Sae Ra to ping Josh again.


  • ACTION for new Council. Check which subcommittee is still running and which ones aren’t.
  • ACTION: Cherie to complete the audit as to who is still active



  • ACTION: to formally create the Conference Support subcommittee


    • Mailing list is active.
    • Next action: talk at F2F, then announce to community?


  • Current Website – Sae Ra


    • Sae Ra is Amazing.
    • Nearly finished.


  • Email from MARK WARKHOLM – DGR status for Linux Aus


      • ACTION: Russell has looked into the requirements, and LA may qualify after all. Suggests we seek advice on wording and application.
      • Not urgent
      • No response as yet. Russell to chase once back from the holidays 🙂 Russell will be out of action due to said holidays
      • ACTION: Russell to fill in the webform 🙂


  • Diversity training


    • Otter offers “train the trainer” training as an addition to the basic training. Extra cost (not yet quantified) but would give us the start of our own corps of trainers.
    • Otter is run by Sage Sharp –
    • Have asked Sage about numbers
    • Testimonials at
    • ACTION: James has reached out to Sage, will contact again next week, seeking a more detailed quote
      • Going to look at setting up a diversity team and to develop materials


  • Event Updates:



  • LCA2018 update (James)


      • James to followup if test bodies are required for the Survey.
      • Kathy would like to do a debrief with council and the lca2018 team. Prior to Ghosts. This is to be held Feb 24th.
      • OUTSTANDING: storage unit not suitable, ACTION: James to research moving facilities and would like the budget line item of storage to be moved to LA budget as PyCon will be using the equipment. Currently costing $650/month new facility will be app $250/month.  James to inventory stock.
        • Russell agrees it should be paid by LA, however we should bring down costs
      • ACTION: Kathy and Russell to research there is enough in the LA budget to cover storage costs.
      • Almost have the finances finalised. But all seems to be wrapping up. Storage to move.
      • Survey to be written and sent out.
        • ACTION: Sae Ra to chase the survey and a post event report. Because Kathy said…
          • Over the easter weekend this should be able to be sent out and completed.
      • Post event report?
        • F2F is usually used to review this.


  • LCA2019 update


      • ACTION: Kathy to respond to lisa. James will need to talk to bruce and Joel Addison should be the 2020 contact.
      • Option number 2 please! 2020 conference director knows enough about the various aspects.
      • Cherie contacted LCA2019 re: 2020. Would need to check that accom is being booked for all that are going to ghosts.
      • ACTION: James to contact LCA2020 with Kathy and Carlee to book flights for LCA2020 rep
      • Russell needs Flight Centre invoices authorised by whoever raised them.
      • Accom has been sorted and they are fine tuning dietary requirements etc.
      • Lisa has been asking about the papers committee procedure. Information to be provided to Lisa.
        • Meetings have happened. This is to be drawn up.
        • There will be something for Lisa and the team by Ghosts.
        • ACTION: Kathy to progress this.
    • PyConAU 2018 – James Polley
      • Storage, venue things, etc.
      • They are further along with plans regarding papers. Trial this weekend. They are using for their CfP process.
      • They are trying to ramp up their team. Seem to be on top of things at this point.
      • ACTION: James to put in subcommittee names for PyConAU into the subcommittee list.
      • James to work with PyCon regarding storage and size of the storage units.
      • Need to keep track of how the sponsors are going.
      • Treasurer insists on a live budget please 🙂
      • Code of conduct response training.
      • Sponsorship is looking good
      • They have not had a person taking the lead of sponsorship liaison. Katie Bell is likely to take this on.
      • Walk through on the 18th of April for AV.
      • Education specialist track.
        • Working with Children check required for all volunteers on this track.
      • Check the timelines to see if expectations for cfp, reviews, programme release and ticket sales is realistic
      • BAI RUSSELL!
      • Tito charges 1% of ticket fees
        • Need to ensure that this is included in the ticket sales


  • LCA2020


    • Reported above


  • WordPress Sydney May 2018



  • Drupal South Canberra 2018


    • ACTION: Kathy to reach out and find out what’s going on.
    • Reached out to Chris Skene.
    • ACTION: Kathy  to keep on pinging

5. Items for noting


  • auIGF:


    • Linux Australia has reached out to the AuSpicing group.

6. Other business

  • NZ Bank access.
  • Data-breach policy:
  • Mail to be re-directed to Kathy’s house rather than Sae Ra’s for 2018/2019
  • ACTION: Madam Pres look at your debit card!
  • Christchurch needs to authorise the payments. ACTION: Russell to speak to Lisa. Joel’s to go to Kathy.
    • YAY!!!!! We got there in the end. Nothing needs to be done. HAVE FUN PEEPS!

7. Backburner

  • Beyond 2020 Alliance
    • No further movement with Beyond 2020 Alliance
    • Backburner this thing.
    • Email from Mark Hudson from ITPA
      • ACTION: Kathy to respond.

8. In camera

  • One item was discussed in camera

2049hrs close

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