Council Meeting Tuesday 24th March 2020 – Minutes

Council Meeting Tuesday 24th March 2020 – Minutes

2021-01-07T20:55:47+11:00March 24th, 2020|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


Sae Ra Germaine

Jonathan Woithe

Julien Goodwin

Russell Stuart

Lisa Sands

Joel Addison

Benno Rice




Meeting opened at 1934 AEDT by Sae Ra and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Julien.


2. Log of correspondence

  • Ampache grant progress update 2 (email to council@ on 23 Mar 2020).
  • Clarifications about COVID-19 venue cancellation policies for DrupalSouth Wellington 2021 (email to council@ on 24 Mar 2020 from Pamela Barone).
  • JoomlaDay 2020 rescheduled to 2021 (tentative dates are 9-10 Oct 2021) due to COVID-19. Email to council@ on 24 Mar 2020 from Nicky Veitch.
  • Question from Audrey Chua about closing a job posting to council@ on 23 Mar 2020.
    AI: Sae Ra: forward to Josh on the understanding that he is still looking after the jobs board.

3. Items for discussion

  • (Carried over from last meeting for Sae Ra’s input) Possible LA sponsorship of Kohacon20 in Wellington (October).
    • This year’s is likely to be cancelled.
    • AI: Sae Ra to respond that we would sponsor if they were running
  • Call for LCA2022/23
    • On hold until May. Still need to finish announce.
    • AI: Sae Ra to re-review proposed announce mail
  • JW: COVID-19 update
    • Council F2F implications in light of latest government directives.
      Consider current penalty-free cancellation policies of airlines and AirBnB along with respective cut-off dates.
  • Request from Nicky Veitch to retain current JoomlaDay subcommittee arrangements for postponed event in 2021.
    • Sae Ra moves motion to approve
    • Seconded by Jonathan
    • Passed.

4. Items for noting

  • Pycon-AU COVID-19 contingency planning.
    • <redacted>
  • Next LCA2021 venue deposit isn’t for a while
  • Should consider what it would look like if we had to run it online

5. Other business 

  • LA F2F cancelled, although hold the date for a sync meeting.

6. In camera

  • None.

Meeting closed at 2023

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