Council Meeting Tuesday 11th February 2020 – Minutes

Council Meeting Tuesday 11th February 2020 – Minutes

2021-01-07T20:49:55+11:00February 11th, 2020|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


Jonathan Woithe

Julien Goodwin

Russell Stuart

Lisa Sands

Joel Addison

Benno Rice


Sae Ra Germaine


Meeting opened at 1932 AEDT by Jonathan Woithe and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Julien.


2. Event Review




Tech Team

LCA 2021

LCA 2020

3. Log of correspondence

  • GPO Box renewal

4. Items for discussion

  • Face 2 Face timing, we’re down to 16/17 May.
    • Which city? Melbourne or Brisbane?
    • Melbourne it is.
    • AI: Russell to find us a place to stay.
    • Fly down for night of the 15th (arriving by 10pm).
    • Fly back the evening (5+) of the 17th.
  • Do we shut down AWS?  Background for newbies:
    • Adding this discussion point has become a monthly hobby of Russell’s for the past 12 months.  He is trying to get an answer so he can stop paying the bloody bill.
    • The AWS instance costs us around $2/month.
    • What is on there is the subject of investigation.  It’s difficult because AWS provides over 100 services.  Just determining what services are used is hard.  Figuring out what purpose those in use have been put to is harder.
    • This is Russell’s list of what is up there (can not be assumed to be complete):
      • LCA 2014(?) Videos.
      • LCA 2014(?) AWS Logs
      • Ssh key pairs named: <redacted>
      • EC2 snapshots named: ZooKeepr, Concerto-LCA2014, timvideos-www.
    • The admin team and mirror team haven’t yet responded if they have a flat file of the ZooKeepr web site, copy of the ZooKeepr database, or copies of the videos. 
    • AI: Joel to investigate, copy anything that should be *public*. Not worth archiving anything else.
  • Motion to give Drupal sub-committee a bank account once they present a budget.
    • Raised: Julien
    • Seconded: Russell
    • Passed
  • Motion to renew
    • Raised: Russell
    • Seconded: Jonathan
    • Passed
    • AI: Russell to liaise with Steve

5. Items for noting

  • None

6. Other business 

  • Re nomination for Kylie for Rusty Wrench
    • Sae Ra was looking to do an in memoriam page
    • We think this is an AI for Sae Ra.
  • Discussion about an enquiry about LCA (from Christopher Price)
    • Joel had a chat to them at LCA, redirected to council
    • AI: Joel to follow up again.

7. In camera

  • One item was discussed in camera.


2027  AEDT close

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