Council Meeting Tuesday 10th March 2020 – Minutes

Council Meeting Tuesday 10th March 2020 – Minutes

2021-01-07T20:53:41+11:00March 10th, 2020|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


Jonathan Woithe

Julien Goodwin

Russell Stuart

Joel Addison

Benno Rice


Sae Ra Germaine

Lisa Sands


Meeting opened at 1929 AEDT by Jonathan and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Julien.


2. Event Review



Tech Team

LCA 2020

LCA 2021

3. Log of correspondence

  • JW: email from Kathryn Tyree to council@ on 1 Mar 2020 about sponsorship of Kohacon20 conference. Koha is an Open Source library management system. See also the conference sponsor information page.
    • Thread is “[LACTTE] Enquiry from Kathryn Tyree via the Linux Australia Website Contact Form”
    • Conference is in NZ (Wellington), and in October.
    • Defer until Sae Ra is present, deadline is unlikely to be soon.
  • JW: email from Patrick Masson to council@ on 7 Mar 2020 about job ad for ClearlyDefined.
    • This could just go through the jobs thing on the website?
    • Julien thinks it’s just a form that an LA member fills in.
    • AI: Julien to follow up, test job application form, then respond to that (also check if that’s publicized).

4. Items for discussion

  • IP phones for LCA.
    • See thread on council@ from Sae Ra titled “Report from Sae Ra for today’s meeting” (sent 10th March).
    • Motion to purchase the IP phones as previously discussed.
    • Moved by Sae Ra, seconded by Jonathan (both on list)
    • Passed, 2 abstentions.
  • Call for LCA2022/23 hosts.
    • A draft doc exists
    • We’re long overdue.
    • Revisit next meeting.
  • Russell Stuart moves a motion that: LA takes ownership of from Michael Beattie and we back pay him whatever monies he has already paid out up to the limit of NZ$200.
    • Seconded: Julien
    • Vote: Passed, unanimous.
    • AI: Julien to send mail to Mike confirming that we’ll take it and cover costs.

5. Items for noting

  • JoomlaDay Melbourne 2019 financial induction done.  Joomladay has their bank account & Xero access.
  • JW: grant feedback received from Lachlan (Ampache grant). Experience was positive with some constructive feedback provided (include examples of successful past grants in information document). Further discussion is underway.

6. Other business 

  • AI: Julien to update the invite for event groups roughly “If any event is a long way out and there’s no major update, please feel free to send a written report *and* make a clear note that you won’t be present”.

7. In camera

  • Two items were discussed in camera


2038  AEDT close

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