Council Meeting Tuesday 23rd April 2019 – Minutes

Council Meeting Tuesday 23rd April 2019 – Minutes

2019-08-31T11:55:47+10:00April 23rd, 2019|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


Sae Ra Germaine, Julien Goodwin, Russell Stuart, Clinton Roy, Jonathan Woithe, Miles Goodhew


Joshua Hesketh


Meeting opened at 1930 AEST by Sae Ra and quorum was achieved.

Minutes were taken by Julien.


2. Event Review

WordCamp Brisbane/Sydney

Drupal South Hobart

Joomla Day Brisbane 2019

PyconAU 2019

LCA 2020

Tech Team


3. Log of correspondence

  • Reimbursement to James Polley
    • Vendor had re-issued an invoice, reissued invoice had different details.
    • Has been sorted
  • Insurance should be done this week

4. Items for discussion

  • Grants Programme,hasn’t opened yet.
    • AI: Sae Ra to work with Jonathan to send notification
  • Approve WordCamp Brisbane 2019 subcommittee
    • Motion: Raised by Sae Ra to approve WC Brisbane as event sub-committee
    • Seconded by Russell
    • Approved, one abstention
  • WordCamp has asked which of these are acceptable “wish list” items 
    • A $1k donation back to the WordPress Foundation, to further supporting WordPress communities around Australia and internationally.
    • Sponsorship of WP Meetups in a state for a year, per a steering committees fixed-amount quote to cover incurred expenses (Venue/Food).
    • Sponsorship of a WP Meetup to cover their Venue costs for x months. per fixed-amount quoted invoice.
    • Funding $x to cover the costs of purchasing a Directional microphone for a camera for the purposes of WP Brisbane Meetup video recording, per Retail pricing or retail quote.
    • Funding “Reduced ticket prices for a under represented group” at the next WordCamp $City – for example, a $30 discount x 50 tickets = $1.5k
    • Sponsoring a WordPress Charity Hackathon to happen in the next 12months with $1k funding to help cover catering or other “thing” costs. Unquoted for an event that had not officially been organised, but made available in the event it occurred before $date+1year upon receipt of a quote specifically for that “thing”.
    • (Sae Ra’s point, Julien editorialises)
      • First support the event, second support the local community, then support global community.
    • General agreement that all but first we’d agree with (on the edge for the first).
      • AI: Russell to respond to WC team with that.


      5. Items for noting

  • Bank forms were signed by Julien last week, should have arrived for Sae Ra.
    • Sae Ra got a call, has likely arrived hopes to go in on Monday

6. Other business 

  • EAP Assist
    • Sae Ra moves motion to use service (est AU$1,500), for 12 months, then review.
    • Jonathan seconds.
    • Passed unanimous.
  • Security Audit related to Privacy Policy considerations [Jonathan Woithe]
    • Jonathan working on the privacy policy, discussions were held on list.
    • Kathy suggested doing a security audit.
    • Jonathan suggests we start with a basic policy to get something done sooner, refinements can be done later.
    • Information Jonathan needed to work on the policy he now has.
  • Request from Russell  to publish upcoming minutes right after previous meeting so any items can go straight in, plus link to previous minutes.
  • Redacted minutes is the top of Julien’s LA TODO, Julien to write bullet point list of guidelines for that.
  • Remaining pending members likely to be approved are mostly dupes, Julien will sync with Sae Ra at some point to log down process, plus move Julien’s notes about that into a Google doc.

7. In camera

  • Two items were discussed in camera.

2055  AEST close

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