Council Meeting Thursday 11th October 2018 – Minutes

Council Meeting Thursday 11th October 2018 – Minutes

2019-01-07T06:49:45+11:00October 11th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Agenda Thursday 11 October 2018

1. Meeting overview and key information


Kathy, Russell, Cameron, Sae Ra, Cherie


Hugh, James

Meeting opened at 1936  by Kathy and quorum was achieved

Agenda summary – key items for discussion this agenda

2. Log of correspondence

Motions moved on list

  • Not a motion but Linux Australia signing a of a Coalition and their comments in response to the Exposure Draft of the Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018 (the Assistance and Access Bill)
    • 14,000 submission.
    • ACTION: Kathy to include this in her monthly report.
    • Second letter is going out tomorrow.
  • PSF correspondence:
    • PSF bringing into line in terms of copyrights and trademarks. They have come back with very easy to meet requirements. Just letting them know that it’s a not for profit conference.
      • ACTION: We need to make sure that information is passed on to PyCon2019 team
        • PSF require a statement each time. Make this part of PyConAU induction process.
        • We are likely to be scrutinised more heavily due to having to report back to organisations eg Drupal for DrupalSouth and DrupalGov, WordPress etc

General correspondence and items for noting

  • Blue Hackers
    • ACTION: Russell to follow this up, still waiting for a response from Arjen
    • We are now waiting on Russell!
    • Still Pending.
  • Aptira partnering with Linux Foundation for OpenStack / Open Networking roadshow and series of one-day conferences
    • Completed. – Leaving on the Agenda
    • James mentioned they scheduled a day conference that was subsequently cancelled.
    • Nothing more but leaving on the agenda.
    • Will be removed from the next agenda.
  • OSIA
    • AGM is scheduled 1st December in Canberra (roadtrip?)
      • Anyone who wants
  • VALA Tech Camp
    • ACTION: for LA to talk to VALA regarding the budget for next year to see if we can sponsor and put it in the budget.
    • Sae Ra has talked to Hugh (at VALA) and is getting some figures as to what may be needed. The split TechCamp between Melbourne and NZ is a great opportunity to offer diversity scholarships in 2 countries targeting different communities.
  • Kathy and Russell to look at the LA Budget for 2018/2019 budget
    • Week of the 22nd of October. Organise a meetup.
      • ACTION Kathy to organise 24th of October in the afternoon any time after midday.
  • Sae Ra to help kathy put together a report on the diversity scholarship and impact from VALATechCamp.
    • ACTION: Kathy to add this to her annual report list that has been started.

4. Items for discussion

  • Standing item: review activities list for new items
    (this document helps tell us what new activities to expect or plan for)

    • Call for bids is nearly ready.
      • Can push the button once checked and ready to go.
        • All done.
    • ACTION: Kathy to do a call for action items
    • ACTION: Sae Ra to create a spreadsheet/document to keep list of nominations.
    • Get the BAS done, Russell to contact the auditor
    • ACTION: Russell to follow the money trail. TasmaNet
  • Council Face to Face #1 Follow-up
    • Check in with non event committees to get their current status (Cherie)
      • ACTION: Cherie to update the spreadsheet of non-subcommittee
    • Can we OAuth from CiviCRM (Kathy)
      • BAD KATHY
    • Privacy Policy (Draft: Kathy, Proofing: Cameron)
      • BAD KATHY
    • Make a list of HackerSpaces for the website (Cameron)
    • Everyone to copy and paste their action items into the agenda.
    • Code of conduct: there are several pull requests outstanding / requiring discussion on the Code of Conduct on GitHub. For discussion / rejection / acceptance.
      • Cherie has found and proposed a less wordy alternative for 12 and 30; accepted another noncontroversial change, and will work on a few more. Kathy to provide some git assistance as needed. ACTION Cherie to get Steve to help out with Git.
  • Membership platform:
    • Kathy has been keeping a change log
  • List of changes
    • Few people who are trained in the website. 8-9 hour commitment. Looking to be saturday morning. Kathy to put together a Doodle Poll
    • Kathy to ask Agileware to ask to submit a grant request regarding the Voting module unit testing/UX etc
    • All memberships are now in. First training has happened. Recordings has been
    • Training on saturday will cover membership and mailing lists.
      • ACTION: Email to everyone to remind people that it’s on saturday.
  • Rebranding:
    • Sae Ra/Kathy getting together later this week or over the weekend to order bits and pieces
    • Going to do a spreadsheet of all things to be rebranded
    • Kath & Sae Ra has ordered some swag including in particular thank you cards that arrived, physically sitting invitingly in front of Tim Tam.
    • Chocolate has been double charged.
      • Kathy now has access to the Linux Australia Youtube Account. Everything is now updated with rebranding
  • LA Grants Submissions:
    See related document (Grant information)
    See related information (Grant Applications)

    • Grant applications to be promoted this to go onto social media
    • Grant reviews to occur next meeting
      • MOTION template: Please not that these motions to not have to pass and even if you call the motion you do not have to vote in favour.
        • MOTION BY <INSERT NAME HERE> That Linux Australia Accepts the Grant Proposal <insert proposal name here> submitted by <insert person name here>
          • Seconded:
          • Motion passed/unsuccessful
          • If there are constraints to the motion passing (eg change in conditions, amount of $$ given, caveats, requirements for reporting) note this here otherwise remove.
    • 1 Grant Submissions to review
      • MOTION BY Kathy Reid That Linux Australia defers the decision of the Grant Proposal titled New Zealand Open Source Society submitted by Steven Ellis
          • Seconded: Sae Ra Germaine
          • Motion passed
          • Jonathon’s comments were very insightful. Can this be covered in the future? What is the sustainability of NZOSS going forward? What is the long term strategy? What does the $5K go towards? More information is required and what their direction.
          • ACTION:
          • If there are constraints to the motion passing (eg change in conditions, amount of $$ given, caveats, requirements for reporting) note this here otherwise remove.
          • This has been deferred until we have figures
      • For Noting:
          • ACTION: Kathy to go back to Manuel to give opportunity to respond to Jonathan’s questions and about Open Data etc. Development will also be done offshore. Have you investigated other ways to get this software created/done locally.
              • MOTION By Sae Ra Germaine that Linux Australia Rejects the grant proposal due to the reasons above.
                • Seconded by Kathy
                • Passed


  • KATHY to tally up the currently allocated budget and look at what’s remaining.


          • Spreadsheet has been updated to calculate what $15K that has been requested, how much was given out and how much is left.
          • >>$15K left in budget.
        • Agileware Grant for testing and UX
          • MOTION: By Sae Ra Germaine that Linux Australia approves the $3,300 Unit Testing grant request
            • Seconded by Cameron Tudball
            • Passed with 1 Abstention
          • MOTION By Sae Ra Germaine that Linux Australia looks to co-fund the UX part of the grants budget
            • Seconded by Cameron Tudball
            • Passed with 1 Abstention.
            • ACTION: Kathy to communicate this with AgileWare
  • Working with WordCamps and WordPress user groups
    • WordCamp Brisbane and Melbourne coming in. Is there more smooth ways for them to interact with us. Standing WordPress subcommittees. Russell would feel happier looking at each conference individually. Perhaps our treasurer would be on the WordPress subcommittee.
      • Leaving on the agenda. Until this becomes an issue.


  • LinuxSA Questions (Web-Site / DNS Hosting), dated 2018-06-11 21:18


    • Kathy to pass onto Admin Team.
    • All done!!! Got something back. Kathy to respond to DSL
    • ACTION: Sae Ra to make sure Kathy does her action items


  • OSI Membership


    • OSI have voted us in
      • All done.


  • Submissions/Papers in draft:


    • None at this stage.
  • EFA reachout
    • Peter Tonoli at EFA made some enquiries about a possible grant request, but nothing has been received yet.
      • Working on a grant request but not linked to EFA.
    • Brochure has been sent to the group.
    • Kath has not had a chance to catch up with EFA reps yet.


  • ACTION for new Council. Check which subcommittee is still running and which ones aren’t.
  • ACTION: Cherie to complete the audit as to who is still active



  • ACTION: to formally create the Conference Support subcommittee


      • Terms of Reference?
        • ACTION: James to bring this up at the next Conference support subcommittee meeting.
          • To then be sent to Sae Ra for sanity checking and then sent to Admin
        • No updates as yet.
        • Progress has been made 🙂
        • Meeting to be arranged between James and Cherie.


  • Changes to better support WordPress and PyCon


    • See
      • Run this by Josh Hesketh first for his view
        • Then get views from previous conference organisers including David Bell, Richard Jones, smaller events that may have smaller revenue. Run figures in comparison to $30 figure compared to $11 and compared to the % value.
        • ACTION: Russell to draft an email to David, Richard etc about the % value.


  • Email from MARK WARKOLM – DGR status for Linux Aus


    • ACTION: Russell has looked into the requirements, and LA may qualify after all. Suggests we seek advice on wording and application.
    • Ongoing!


  • Event Updates:


  • LCA2018 update (James)


    • Setting up an archived version of the site. Currently in progress. Need to pass this on to Steve. ACTION: Sae Ra to check with steve how this should be posted.
    • Post Event report is also required.
    • Couple of budget items to reimburse on. Refunds for a couple of people and not sure what to do with this.


  • LCA2019


      • Most acceptances etc have gone out.
      • ACTION: Cherie to ring Lisa tomorrow re Team.
      • ACTION: Cherie to follow-up re: Budget and keeping that up-to-date
      • Rego has opened. Mini-conf call for papers is also open.
      • Calls have been arranged to check to see how it’s all going.
      • At the moment they are unable to authorise anything. Russell is reluctant to let them have it when there is only one person to have it. Andrew has offered but has gone AWOL.
        • ACTION: Cherie to contact Andrew directly and re-iterate that this needs to be done and immediately. STAT! Feisty Cherie!
        • One member of the team has left. Steven has reached out to the usual places to get someone else in.
        • ACTION: Cherie to offer up the template for comms. It is definitely worthwhile looking into getting someone even if it needs to be contracted out.
    • Internet Freedom Hackathon


  • Run in Melbourne and Brisbane. Got some shout outs. Invoice has been paid
  • ACTION: Kathy to continue followup the invoice. With Wrapup for the annual report for 2018.
  • Invoice has been paid. Start a 2018 report folder.
  • Kathy has updated!!!!


  • PyConAU 2018 – James Polley
    • 60 papers in CFP so far
    • Because of good sponsorship the conference is now at the break even point at 75% of projected attendance.
    • Record number of submissions
    • Some issues with venue re: budget for AV and wifi.
    • Registrations are currently sitting at 50%.
    • Registrations are looking to hit 75%.
    • Pycon-au budget compared with the 75% target: attendees 663 (target 525), income 337906 (target 259970), expenses $319k (target 302k), profit $16.5k (target: -38k)
    • What exactly does sold out mean?
    • LA would like to be involved earlier with selection process of the next PyConAU. How real is the PSF coming in and running PyConAU? LA would like clarity.
      • ACTION: Kathy as LA to write a letter and ask PSF regarding WTF?
      • Come back to council regarding the draft letter.
      • No response from the PSF
      • ACTION: Russell to talk to james once he’s looked at the budget!
    • A report for our AGM is required.


  • LCA2020


      • Team has been officially notified they are the winning bid.
      • It is looking like core Team member PERSON will be moving to Melbourne for work.
      • PERSON has been absent but is back now.
      • They are asking us to pay a $5,990.38 venue deposit ().  They have to ask us to do it as they don’t have a treasurer yet, and haven’t done the induction.
      • MOTION: Russell Stuart to pay the venue on behalf of LCA2020
        • Seconded by Sae Ra Germaine
        • Carried.


  • LCA2021


    • Some expressions of interest.
      • ACTION: Sae Ra to send out the email to remind people of call for bids.


  • HealthHack


    • HealthHack has now been onboarded. They are pretty switched on. 1 was a professional accountant. Their event is coming up and they are all busily preparing for that.
      • ACTION: Kathy to do soc med to congratulate.
      • ACTION: Kathy to include healthHack in the annual report.


  • WordPress Sydney May 2018


    • CFP going well. Following up with some speakers, some have already been invited.
    • Close to break even.
    • WCCentral has capped ticket prices at $55; as a result the budget is currently tracking around the medium scenario and so still looking for a few more sponsors.
    • Ticket sales go live any time now – watch the socials.
    • Kath to do an announcement to Linux-Aus on this event.
    • Looks like they will make around $6K profit, without the $11pp LA tax.
    • UTS venue has been paid. Need a confirmation on what they are getting from WCCentral.
    • Need to get final profit numbers to Russell. And a final wrap up report.
      • ACTION: Kathy to touch base with them.
      • ACTION: Kathy to followup for a post-event report.


  • Drupal South Canberra 2018


    • Kathy to arrange OnBoarding with Russell and get bank accounts opening
    • Waiting on treasurer (Owen) to come back to Australia (July 23rd).
    • The CFP is now open.  Kathy to promote through social media.
    • ACTION: Kathy GO FULL MEDIA POWAH! A little bit has been done
      • Done
  • WordCamp Brisbane 2018
    • MOTION BY Kath Reid that Linux Australia accepts WordCamp 2018’s conference proposal, and they be invited to form a subcommittee.
      • Seconded: Sae Ra.
      • Motion passed.  All present voted in favour.
    • Kathy to notify WordCamp directors of the outcome of the vote.
    • BAD RUSSELL!!!!
    • Onboarding is now set for monday 20th August. Onboarding has occurred.
    • Set for first week of december.
    • ACTION: Kathy to go Full Media Powah
      • Done
  • WordCamp Sydney 2019
    • Has been proposed and has gone to WordCamp Central.
  • WordCamp Melbourne is looking possible
    • Conversations are happening. Nothing to report.
  • JoomlaDay Brisbane 2019
    • Proposal has been received from Carly Willats.
    • Kathy has asked for a budget.  Next step happens after budget is received.
    • Questions re budget:
      • Budget predicts a 50% increase in sponsorship over 2017
      • Attendance up 200% over 2017.
      • Venue @ $10K for 70 people for 2 days looks expensive.
      • Buuuutttt … 2017 wasn’t run in Brisbane, and I don’t have Brisbane’s figures.
    • Russell to contact Carly to get clarification.
    • Updated budget has been supplied. Budget looks good.
    • Russell plays bad cop well.
    • ACTION: Russell to continue following up.
    • MOTION by Kathy that we approve Joomladay for Brisbane 2019
    • Seconded Russell
    • Carried
    • ACTION: Russell to go back to the subcommittee. (done)
    • Onboarding planned for 2018-10-02.
      • Happened. GO TREASURER! Geez they are good.
      • ACTION: Russell to provide with access.
  • Drupal South Hobart 2019
    • Proposal & Budget has been received from Owen Laandsbury (Treasurer, DrupalSouth 2018) for DrupalSouth 2019 to be held in Hobart run by Campbell Tilley (Director) and Si Hobbs (Treasurer).
    • The need to make a $2K venue deposit by Friday  2018-10- 12 (tomorrow).
    • MOTION template: Please not that these motions to not have to pass and even if you call the motion you do not have to vote in favour.
      • MOTION BY RUSSELL STUART That Linux Australia accepts the proposal for the DrupalSouth 2019 conference  submitted by Campbell Tilley (Director) and Si Hobbs (Treasurer).
        • Seconded: SAE RA GERMAINE
        • Motion Passed
        • ACTION: Russell to pay the venue
        • ACTION: RUSSELL To go back to them all

5. Items for noting

6. Other business

  • Data-breach policy:
  • Admin Team infrastructure.
    • Sae Ra to organise the call –
      • Once Terms of Reference has been written up for the Conf Team we can proceed.
  • Outstanding GitHub pull requests. Cherie’s recommendations:
    • See above
  • July-Sept BAS, 0 meeting away!
  • PyCon 2019 budget needs to reflect 2018 actuals.
    • ACTION: James to go back to PyConAU to let us know what they are doing to increase the ticket sales for Professionals. More detail is required.
  • Can the treasurer sign the Stripe agreement?
    • Stripe’s policy is to only give this rate to charities etc. But we are an exception. We should thank them at the closing ceremony of each of the conferences that use Stripe.

7. Backburner

8. In camera

One item was discussed in camera


GIN TIME!!!!!!

2046 close


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