1. Meeting overview and key information
- Joel Addison (President)
- Wil Brown (Vice-President)
- Neill Cox (Secretary)
- Russell Stuart (Treasurer)
- Sae Ra Germaine (Council)
- Jonathan Woithe (Council)
Not Present
- Marcus Herstik (Council)
Meeting opened at 20:02 AEDT by Joel and quorum was achieved.
Minutes taken by Neill
2. Log of correspondence
- RISC-V hardware for software development – grant application decision
- Payment Approval Request – DrupalSouth Community Day
- A couple of website and social updates in preparation for AGM / elections
- Open Source AI Definition: Version 0.0.3 released, planning a global outreach
- Hack the Triangle Workshops – grant application decision
- Application to form a Kiwi PyCon 2024 subcommittee
- BAS Time
- [Linux-aus] contest proposal
3. Items for discussion
- MOTION: Linux Australia accepts the provisional budget for 2024.
- MOVED BY: Russell Stuart
- SECONDED: Neill Cox
- OUTCOME: Motion passed unanimously
- Kiwi PyCon subcommittee for 2024
- MOTION: Linux Australia accepts Kiwi PyCon XIII (2024) as an event subcommittee, per the proposal provided.
- MOVED BY: Joel
- SECONDED: Jonathan
- OUTCOME: Motion passed unanimously
- One motion passed in camera, to be released later.
- Programming Contest Proposal – Linux Aus mailing list
- The council is generally supportive of this, but it is something for the next council to decide the details of, given a proposal is still forthcoming. It has been good to see a discussion of this sort on the mailing list.
4. Items for noting
- Auditors report has been signed by the auditor
- P&L by conference for 2022/2023
- Annual Report
5. Other business