Council Meeting 15th February 2023 – Minutes

Council Meeting 15th February 2023 – Minutes

2023-02-16T09:56:59+11:00February 15th, 2023|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


  • Joel Addison (President)
  • Wil Brown (Vice-President)
  • Neill Cox (Secretary)
  • Russell Stuart (Treasurer)
  • Sae Ra Germaine  (Council)
  • Marcus Herstik (Council)
  • Jonathan Woithe (Council)



  • None


Not Present

  • None


Meeting opened at 20:08 AEDT by Joel Addison  and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Neill Cox


2. Log of correspondence

  • Email from Dwight Walker re CiviCRM install notes. Joel and Steve Walsh have already responded. Further emails from Dwight received Feb 13. Steve has been in Fiji for work for the last two weeks. Dwight is attempting to setup a development environment rather than waiting any longer.
  • Email from Richard Jones “Kicking off the PyCon AU 2023 financials”. Joel has responded. 
  • Two emails from YouTube re “New YouTube Partner Program terms coming this week”. Joel has actioned(TBC)
  • Email from Russell Stuart re “NSW Fair trading annual return”. Russel has actioned this. Money has been paid.
  • Email from Zoom re change to account billing information (Russell). New credit card has been recorded on the account.
  • Email thread re Linux Australia Activity Statement Oct..Dec 2022 (Russell and Sonny Bonang (Activity Statement lodged and accountant’s invoice paid)
  • Email from Kathy Reid re Nat Torkington’s son William who sadly took his own life. Wil has responded.
  • Email from Miles Goodhew re “Moving the LCA stuff to Brisbane”. Miles has a quote for $1,145 (from Dawson Removals), insurance would be $35/$1,000 of value. Miles has two other quotes from Kent Moving ($745 plus insurance) and Grace Removals for $1,228.57. Miles would like his shed back.
  • Email from Kathy Reid re “Seeking to allocate $AUD 1000 from budgeted LA funds to Media & Communications Subctte for rewards and recognition”
  • PO Box payment due soon
  • Richard Jones has requested an update on PyConAU 2023. Joel has responded, basically saying we will reply as soon as possible after the first meeting of the new council.
  • Betsy Waliszewski  re OSI’s 25th Anniversary and Everything Open
  • Steve Walsh re APNIC Membership Renewal. Renewal invoice has been paid.
  • Russell Stuart, Michael Richardson & Owen Lansbury re Xero and Westpac Setup for Drupal South
  • PO Box relocated to Kent Street
  • Westpac and ANZ bank statements
  • Volunteer WWCC notice received
  • secretary@ emails still going to Clinton

3. Items for discussion

  • Shipping LCA stuff
    • Much of the LCA gear is now probably of limited value. Marcus has offered to transport from Canberra if it will fit.
    • We have pictures but they lack scale.
    • Steve Walsh may be able to ship things via AARNet.
    • Joel will look through the list of gear from Miles to decide what to keep and what we can get rid of.
    • Russel suggests that we make it Everything Open’s problem.
    • Sae Ra points out that there is nowhere to put it in Melbourne.
    • Action Item: Joel to go through the list to see what can be culled. Then we’ll decide how to move the remainder..
  • Media and Communications Subcommittee funding request
    • We currently allow the admin team to manage their own budget, as do the various event subcommittees for events.
    • $2,000 is already budgeted for Rewards and Recognition and $1,000 for Advertising and Marketing, so effectively this is us giving permission to Kathy to spend money that she has already been authorised to use.
    • Motion by Joel: That we allocate $1,000 to the media subcommittee from the media budget. Carried unanimously
  • PO Box Payment due soon
    • Email was sent to Neill who has now forwarded it to Council and Treasurer for payment.
    • Joel will ask Steve to update the secretary@ address to go to Neill
  • OSI 25th Anniversary
    • OSI would like to celebrate this at EO2023. Possibly cupcakes/afternoon tea. This will be handled by the EO2023 organising committee.
  • APNIC Renewal
    • Has been paid.
  • Drupal South
    • Drupal South will be held in New Zealand this year, dates to be confirmed.  Proposal is yet to be formally accepted by the LA council. Most recent correspondence was that they were still finalising their budget. Looks to be very similar to last year’s conference, including the use of an external conference organiser.
  • Conflict of interest register.
    • Joel will share a link and we should each fill out as appropriate
  • William Torkington
    • Wil to add an in memorandum page to the website and include William. Sae Ra to send a list of other people to be included.
  • Working With Children
    • These are needed for organisers of EO2023, but also probably LA council members.
    • Takes some time to process. Registered mail seems to slow the process down. Unfortunately
    • sending 100+ points of ID through the mail unregistered is not something to make people happy.
  • PyCon AU 2023 – Budget 2023 – ACC
    • PyConAU were able to use a deposit paid for the venue when it was originally planned to be held in Adelaide pre-covid.
    • The attendance numbers do not seem to reflect the current economic climate. However, given that the choice is between losing $1,000 at the bare bones level or $100,000 if we forfeit the deposit the best option is to go ahead with the conference.
    • Joel will respond to Richard giving approval for the conference to be announced, but asking that the budget be revisited with expectations of fewer attendees.


4. Items for noting

  • Russell is holding a financial induction for Drupal South.  Drupal can make it on  UTC 20:00..23:00 on Feb 20, 21, or 22.  Do any committee members want to join, and if so lets settle on a time.
    • Russell will finalise a time and send zoom invites.

5. Other business

  • None
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