Council Meeting 1st March 2023 – Minutes

Council Meeting 1st March 2023 – Minutes

2023-03-05T14:44:20+11:00March 1st, 2023|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


  • Joel Addison (President)
  • Wil Brown (Vice-President)
  • Neill Cox (Secretary)
  • Russell Stuart (Treasurer)
  • Sae Rae Germaine (Council)
  • Jonathan Woithe (Council)


  • Marcus Herstik (Council)

Not Present

Meeting opened at 20:02 AEDT by Joel Addison  and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Neill Cox


2. Log of correspondence

  • 22 Feb Enquiry from Bryce Torcello re – Wil has responded
  • 25 Feb Miles Goodhew re LCA2022 close out. Miles has delivered the LCA gear to Neill and has now completed his tasks for LCA2022. He wishes the EverythingOpen organisers well but won’t be able to attend the conference. 
  • 27 Feb Russell Keith-Magee re Update to PyCon AU 2023 budget. 
  • 27 Feb Michael Richardson re DrupalSouth Wellington – Budget and Onboarding
  • PO Box: 5x Westpac statements 3x WWCC for EverythingOpen Conference


3. Items for discussion

  • Revised PyconAU budget:
    Council has concerns about the lower capacity budgets having online ticket sales but no platform to provide streaming.
    Council will discuss this further with the PyConAU organisers.  
  • DrupalSouth doing their conference in Wellington triggered several support queries from me to Stripe as all our banking links to had been deleted, and I couldn’t figure out how to recreate them.  Stripe’s response said it’s no longer possible for LA to deposit funds into a NZ bank.  Depositing NZ$ card payments into an Australia bank seems prohibitively expensive, so Stripe is no longer a viable way of handling credit card payments in NZ$.  No immediate action required now as DrupalSouth is accepting payments via Lil’ Regie, but that won’t be an option for Symposium should we hold Pycon / EO / LCA in NZ.  Other options appear to be: use a different payment processor, or only accept AUD$ payments for NZ conferences.
    Finding a suitable payment processor may be difficult. PayPal have anti money laundering triggers that may not work for conferences that are quiet most of the year and then suddenly busy. Local (Australian) payment options can be expensive. Square seems to have stringent authentication requirements which can bite organisations which have no fixed address. Investigation will be required.
  • DrupalSouth have completed their financial induction, and have given us a budget, list team members, and agreed to abide by LA Policies.  The next steps are:
    • Consider their proposal (conference web site), and in particular their budget.
    • Pass a motion accepting them as a subcommittee.

Motion by Russell Stuart: That we accept the Drupal South budget and approve them as an LA subcommittee.
Seconded: Sae Ra Germaine

Passed unanimously

4. Items for noting

  • DrupalSouth financial induction done.  We are now waiting on them to provide event and team details, as described in last of induction.
  • EverythingOpen will run a “friends of LA” session (similar to ghosts sessions for LCA). There is a budget item for ghosts that will cover this option.
  • EverythingOpen Budget
    Sponsorship is going well, but at this stage ticket sales are lower than expected. At this stage a loss is likely.
  • EverythingOpen Charity fund matching
    Motion by Sae Ra Germaine: That LA matches up to $5,000 fundraising for Everybody’s Home (EverythingOpen’s chosen charity)

Seconded: Wil Brown

Passed: Unanimously

5. Other business

  • Admin team – Steve Walsh

Election held and as far as Steve knows it was fine, waiting for information from Julien re the possibility of identifying votes in the election.

Renewed as a hold on Not delegated to anywhere, would perhaps be a good idea to sort that out so that it actually serves content. The other contender is which is now held by a Fairfax company. 

Steve will fix the address to forward to Neill ( There are issues with spam filtering on the office bearer email addresses. We have to be very careful of false positives.

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