Council Meeting 31st August 2022 – Minutes

Council Meeting 31st August 2022 – Minutes

2022-10-21T19:21:22+11:00August 31st, 2022|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


  • Joel Addison (President)
  • Wil Brown (Vice-President)
  • Jonathan Woithe (Council)


  • Clinton Roy (Secretary)
  • Neil Cox (Council)

Not present

  • Lilac Kapul (Council)
  • Russell Stuart (Treasurer)

As of 20:00 a quorum was not achieved.  An informal discussion was held by those in attendance.

Notes taken by Jonathan.


2. Log of correspondence

  • No correspondence received.


3. Items for discussion

  • Sponsorship request from OSGeo Oceania and the Pacific Geospatial and RS Council for the Pacific Geospatial Conference in Suva, Fiji in the week of 28 Nov 2022. Prospectus is at A decision on this was deferred last meeting due to the absence of Clinton and Russell. 
    • AI: Joel – To prevent this dragging on, this will be taken to the list by Joel. Final feedback will be requested and a motion put to the list.
  • Updated communication policy
    • A draft has been placed in the g-drive. This has not yet been voted on.
    • This will be voted on at the next Council meeting.

4. Items for noting

  • NetThing Sponsorship. Following the last LA Council meeting some final details were received from NetThing about Linux Australia’s proposed sponsorship.  Joel consequently raised a motion on list on 24 Aug 2022:
    That Linux Australia will sponsor NetThing 2022 for Captioning and Signing services to the value of $3000.
    The motion was carried.
  • Russell has suggested that proposed sponsorships be announced on the Grants list to provide another way for the membership to stay up to date about the activities of Linux Australia. This seems to be a reasonable idea. It will be done for all sponsorship requests received from now.

5. Other business

  • No other business was raised.
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