1. Meeting overview and key information
- Joel Addison (President)
- Wil Brown (Vice-President)
- Clinton Roy (Secretary)
- Russell Stuart (Treasurer)
- Jonathan Woithe (Council)
- Lilac Kapul (Council) – joined 19:12, after PR vote
- Neil Cox (Council)
Meeting opened at 20:00 AEDT by Joel and quorum was achieved.
Minutes taken by Clinton
2. Log of correspondence
- Prod from Gold Coast LUG
3. Items for discussion
- A bunch of Linux Australia PRs are open, how do we decide on merging them?
- Review this recent one during the meeting: https://github.com/linuxaustralia/constitution_and_policies/pull/44
- Clinton raises a motion to accept PR 44 to the CoC.
- Second: Wil Brown.
- All in favour, passed unanimously.
- No one against, no abstentions.
- ACTION ITEM Joel to accept PR44 to the CoC.
- ACTION ITEM for council, review all remaining PRs in time for the next meeting.
4. Items for noting
- Joel has been looking at all the domain name stuff, has been working with the admin team to put in submissions for the domains we care about. Got approvals immediately. Some personal anecdotes, some are successful, some not so much so. We have contacted taslug and pyconau subcommittees for domain requests. Still need to reach out to slug.
- Grant request has been received, will be discussed during the next meeting, after the two week community consultation period is done.
5. Other business
- Meeting time change (JEA) – Daylight saving ends this weekend, so I propose we change the meeting time to 7:30pm AEST/7:00pm ACST from April 13 onwards, until daylight savings starts again
- ACTION ITEM: Joel to update google calendar invite with the updated times for daylight savings end.
- Update from Lilac about governance training pricing and quotes
- TL;DR have some pricing information, still following up some, will present in further detail at next committee meeting
- Verbal update from Lilac on progress in reaching out to Brisbane-based meetup groups
Meeting closed at 20:40. Next meeting scheduled for 13 April 2022.