Council Meeting 2nd February 2022 – Minutes

Council Meeting 2nd February 2022 – Minutes

2023-01-04T21:56:48+11:00February 2nd, 2022|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


  • Joel Addison (President)
  • Wil Brown (Vice-President)
  • Clinton Roy (Secretary)
  • Russell Stuart (Treasurer)
  • Jonathan Woithe (Council)
  • Neil Cox (Council)


  • Lilac Kapul (Council)

Meeting opened at 20:07 AEDT by Joel and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Clinton Roy

2. Log of correspondence

  • Logan LUG

3. Items for discussion

  • A round of introductions by each member, as this is our first meeting.
  • Association Requirements. Joel mentions everything required to be stored about the council, by the public officer: name, address, commencement date. Disclosure of interest register. Joel has created a couple of spreadsheets where all this information can be documented, such that the public officer has access if ever required. Clinton asks if there’s an official list of conflicts.
    • ASIC Director Ids. Russell speaks on it. Required for trusts, companies, organisations with an ABN. Becomes mandatory in November.  Clinton suggests we put it in the spreadsheet.
  • .au domains. The date for purchasing them is coming up (March?). The council needs to work out what domains to attempt to purchase. and are the obvious candidates. ACTION ITEM: Joel to communicate with the admin team to get a fuller list of domains. ACTION ITEM: go through sub committees, go through registered business names.
  • PyCon AU $100k deposit. We discuss whose call it is to make a decision on the deposit. ACTION ITEM: Secretary to write an email to PyCon AU subcommittee, suggest they have a meeting with the venue ASAP. The council does not wish to push anyone into running a conference unless they want to. Request a date by which the venue needs a decision.
  • Gold Coast LUG Subcommittee -needed for virtual events? We don’t have quite all the information required for subcommittee V3.
    Joel raises a motion to accept The Gold Coast Lug Subcommittee going forward.
    Seconded: Neill
    Abstain: none
    For: all
    Against: none.
    Motion succeeds unanimously.
    ACTION ITEM: Russell to ask Steve for all required details.
  • Did we need to do anything for Flounder? ACTION ITEM: Clinton to invite Russell Coker to next subcommittee meeting.

4. Items for noting

  • ACTION ITEM Clinton needs to do the AGM minutes.

5. Other business

  • Rusty Wrench Award
    • Need address to send award to: Clinton has the address. ACTION Clinton will ask about address security and go from there.
  • LA PO BOX – keys: Will to take ownership of the keys from Julian and start checking.

Meeting closed at 21:00. Next meeting scheduled for 16 February 2022.

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