Council Meeting 17th March 2021 – Minutes

Council Meeting 17th March 2021 – Minutes

2023-01-04T22:02:19+11:00March 17th, 2021|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


  • Sae Ra Germaine (President)
  • Joel Addison (Vice President)
  • Clinton Roy (Secretary)
  • Jonathan Woite (Council)
  • Neil Cox (Council)
  • Russell Coker (Council)
  • Russell Stuart (Treasurer)


Meeting opened at 19:30 AEDT by Sae Ra and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by the secretary

2. Log of correspondence

  • JW: Ben Minerds (from Free Software Melbourne) has been in touch apologising for not picking up the grant they were awarded in September 2020. It turns out that Ben was snowed under in the latter part of 2020 and didn’t have the capacity to act on the grant. Ben (together with the Free Software Melbourne committee) intends to pick this up again this year and re-apply. He has been encouraged to contact council prior to submitting a grant since some of the funding they seek is for infrastructure which LA may be able to provide at no cost.

3. Items for discussion

19.35 Drupal contact: Confirmed

Drupal is looking at picking an events organiser, on a commercial basis, been through an rfq, meeting with one candidate next week. Any of the funding would come directly from any event they run. Should have clarity on that in the next week or so. Looking at running a number of shorter events this year, trying to do three, may, august, november. Constraints on may may be a lack of lead time. They may start off with a small event, just to ease into using an events organiser.

Sae Ra asks to look at the rfq, they will send it through after the call. Sae Ra offers Drupal to use the linux australia zoom account. Looking to do a call out for volunteers soon.

Another rfq for a designer to redo their website design. At least two proposals so far, finishing this friday. There’s a working group looking on at on boarding people into drupal, looking at using the redo of the website as a project.

One new member coming onto the committee coming up soon, may be transitioning to a new treasurer.

19.45 Admin Team: Invited

We had the apnic renewal this month, they’ve started talking to us.

ACTION ITEM: Russell to pay the a reimbursement waiting in xero,

Linux australia ended up on a blacklist, as someone’s email address got used as a spam source. Steve is looking at installing a captcha thing on the mailman site.

Some lost communications about resource limits for LA sites,  doesn’t seem to be a big issue, obviously communicate more if it comes up again.

Sae Ra thanks steve for the help with the survey.

Jonathan asks where the admin team is up to with the website transfer, the email black listing got in the way. The back up process the third party uses is a little bit of a pain at the moment, just trying to get ssh to the third party server is a blocker atm. Hopefully ssh access will allow a more targeted backup, just the webroot, not all the system stuff.

Mirror server project: 194 memtest cycles without an error. Booted into debian, stuff is moving across, hopefully back online with in a month or so. Ryan asked for an ssh key to upload pycon videos.

19.55 Joomla :Patrick Jackson: Confirmed


Patrick Jackson and Stewart Robertson joins us.

Joomla australia have hit the issue, so came to us. Stewart runs the brisbane group, Patrick helps run the melbourne group. There are five people in the committee, looking to organise the next conference in melbourne. Patrick is the global volunteering team lead.

Sae Ra runs through the basics of the v3 sub committee, pick a chair/director, a secretariat, a treasurer. Need two people at least to approve payments.  Some discussion about the exact type of subcommittee that is required, and which is the most appropriate. The joomla team have run quite a few conferences before, the virtual monthly get together has sort of forced them to form an association or some such.

Sae Ra suggests they get their paper work in asap.

A side discussion on how they run their virtual meetups, they have access to a paid zoom account, run a hybrid approach with some groups meeting in brisbane, virtual members joining in. A fair amount of cross community collaboration meeting going on.

20.05 Pycon: Richard: Confirmed

Status update. Dates of the conference have been announced today. Tenth to twelfth of december. Roughly budgeted for Ctrix and next day video. Asking for people interested in running specialist tracks, that’ll be sorted end of march, then they’ll be ready to run the CFP sometime in April. Due to the large amount of time, they’re feeling pretty relaxed about deadlines atm. Included some extra wordage in the responsibilities of special track organisers, specifically that they have to adhere and police the CoC. Also a call for volunteers went along with the dates announcement. Difficult to lead volunteers remotely.

Three people in the lead: Richard, Jack, Katie.

The main thing that they haven’t worked out is the final structure of the conference, how many tracks, what social events etc. All options are open at the moment, down to a single track conference to make it easy to do an in-peson watch-a-long. Looking at learning from LCA. Sae Ra will send through requirements for a watch party.

LA will hopefully be able to forward on survey results to pyconau.

Joel mentions that the CoC on pyconau seems to be different to the LCA version, the pyconau version might be older. Richard will look into that. Chris will be setting up a safety oversight team for the conference, Richard will task them with updating the CoC.

Clinton asks if the PSF has signed off on dates and such, the PSF has signed off on the name, and the dates don’t clash with anything.

Sae Ra follows up the request for the AV quote. Richard says they will split out Next Day Video and AV costs. Passed along details. Line item for live captioning might be happening.

Clinton asks about live copy of the budget. Richard did set it up, just needs to link in russell.


20.15 LCA2020: None, liaison in council

20.25 LCA2021: None, liaison in council

[LCA2022 debrief] Clinton was reasonably happy with how it went.

ACTION ITEM: Clinton needs to clean up the lca2021 debrief notes a bit.

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