Council Meeting Tuesday 9th April 2019 – Minutes

Council Meeting Tuesday 9th April 2019 – Minutes

2019-08-31T10:59:38+10:00April 9th, 2019|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


Jonathan Woithe, Miles Goodhew, Clinton Roy, Russell Stuart, Joshua Hesketh, Sae Ra Germaine


Julien Goodwin


Meeting opened at 17:31 AEST by Sae Ra Germaine and quorum was achieved.

Minutes were taken by Jonathan.


2. Log of correspondence

  • Various “Help” emails received through the website inquiry form.
    • Suggestion from Sae Ra: revise website to include somewhere to direct “I need help” inquiries to.
    • Suggestion from Jonathan: put a mini-FAQ up to suggest contacts and ways to get in touch.
    • Miles offered to help Kathy and the Comms Subcommittee
    • AI: Miles to discuss communications issues with Kathy

3. Items for discussion

  • Wordcamp Sydney
    • Subcommittee formation request made on 2 April 2019.  Preliminary budget sent <link removed>.
    • Sae Ra gave the budget a quick look. It looks ok but Russell’s opinion would be valued.
    • Josh looked briefly at the budget. No major problems are obvious. He has some minor concerns:
      • No 75%/100% attendance figures worked through.
      • No working through “no sponsorship” scenario
      • Catering not separated (organisers, volunteers, delegates).

All of these issues are structural: the numbers look reasonable.

    • Russell considered the budget during the meeting. Sponsorship appears to match last year, but attendance is up. They do not appear to have allowed for the 6% LA return.
    • Josh: thinks LA return is in the insurances section. On review, Russell agreed.
    • Josh: questions why GST for venue is separated out. This seems odd. Russell agreed.
    • Russell would like to see figures with last year’s attendance figures.
    • AI (Russell): contact Wordcamp Sydney to clarify these concerns.
  • LCA Session Selection Committee
    • The policy to be finalised taking provided views into account.
    • LA Council to then vote on document as soon as possible.
    • LA Council to discuss co-chair.  Discuss with nominated/desired chair. Then approach co-chair candidates accordingly.
  • EAP Assist
    • Cost is $1500 for 12 months, giving 25 counselling hours at $60/hr. Make phone number available to volunteers and make them aware of the resource. If hours run short they contact us.
    • Sae Ra would like to see this in place for LCA2020 if passed by council.
    • AI: all to review these FAQs to allow a vote next meeting.
    • Q (Josh): does it cover delegates?
      A (Sae Ra): In general not, due mainly to logistics of having to deal with a short term spike in the number of potential callers (during a conference for example). If there’s an incident we could provide the number to affected people and treat those as volunteers for the purposes of the service.
  • auDA Associate Membership .event 
    • LA is a member of auDA. Used to be paid, is now a free membership.
    • auDA is relaunching Associate Membership program
    • Relaunch webinar: 6-8pm on Monday from Fed Square.
    • Sae Ra has been co-opted to the auDA technical advisory board. The board determines reserved names, unacceptable names, and so on. The role is expected to help with securing domain, which LA would claim on the basis of existing user.


      5. Items for noting

  • None

6. Other business 

  • LUG list on website: remove Hunter Valley LUG as it seems to have ceased operation?
    • [Julien] There was also some chat on #linux-aus about some other dormant lugs, it may be worth an audit and poke of all the various ones to ensure they have at least some active contact.
    • Sae Ra: An audit was done last year (2018). Non-responses don’t mean a LUG is dormant.
    • AI: Sae Ra: do a mailout to see which LUGS are still active.
    • AI: Jonathan: remove HVHUG, consider them to have ceased operation.
  • Josh will be away 27 April – 8 May.
  • Sae Ra will be away 21 May.

7. In camera

  • Three  items were discussed in-camera.


Meeting closed at 20:31.

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