Council Meeting Thursday 7th June 2018 – Minutes

Council Meeting Thursday 7th June 2018 – Minutes

2019-01-07T01:55:38+11:00June 7th, 2018|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Minutes Thursday 07 June 2018

1. Meeting overview and key information


Sae Ra Germaine, Kathy Reid, Cherie Ellis, James Polley, Hugh Blemings


Cameron Tudball

Meeting opened at 1931AEST  by Kathy and quorum was achieved

Agenda summary – key items for discussion this agenda

2. Log of correspondence

Motions moved on list

  • MOTION by KATHY REID that the DrupalSouth 2018 Subcommittee be formed as requested by CHRIS SKENE and that the budget proposed is approved
    • Seconded: Cherie Ellis
    • Motion Passed
    • ACTION: Need to make a deposit on their venue. This is due any day now.

General correspondence

  • Blue Hackers
    • ACTION: Russell to follow this up, still waiting for a response from Arjen
    • We are now waiting on Russell!
    • Still Pending.
  • Aptira partnering with Linux Foundation for OpenStack / Open Networking roadshow and series of one-day conferences
    • ACTION: Tristan announced some proposed changes to the Aus OpenStack User Group; James will forward on to LinuxAus list
    • Completed. – Leaving on the Agenda
    • SLUG moving their DNS off LA (
      • Does LA want to delegate SLUG DNS servers away from LA? Context is provided in the email.
      • KR’s preference is that both Damion and Steve Walsh have control of the server so that control remains with LA. The main issue being a point of legal responsibility.
      • Discussion ensured; James and Russell argued that delegation of the domain doesn’t add any extra risk, and if problems arise we’ll be able to contact Anchor and re-delegate back to our services
      • ACTION: …. To check that Steve is comfortable that we’d be able to contact anchor and update glue to delegate back to our servers if problems arise
      • ACTION: Assuming Steve is comfortable, …. To ask him to go ahead and delegate as requested by Damion
      • This has now happened.


  • ACTION: Sae Ra, ask admin for list of domains that we own/manage.


    • Done

4. Items for discussion

  • Council Face to Face #1 Follow-up
    • Check in with non event committees to get their current status (Cherie)
      • BAD CHERIE
    • Can we OAuth from CiviCRM (Kathy)
      • BAD KATHY
    • Privacy Policy (Draft: Kathy, Proofing: Cameron)
      • BAD KATHY
    • Make a list of HackerSpaces for the website (Cameron)
    • Everyone to copy and paste their action items into the agenda.
    • Code of conduct: there are several pull requests outstanding / requiring discussion on the Code of Conduct on GitHub. For discussion / rejection / acceptance.
      • ACTION: Cherie: to reissue RFC as only 1 response.
      • Pull Request:
        • Adds anti-platform bashing text to CoC #12
  • Membership platform:
    • Update 10th May – We’ve received a quote from AgileWare for the voting module for around $21k – much more than anticipated
      • Sae Ra/Kathy are investigating why this is so much larger than expected
      • Quote is to code a voting module from scratch, includes large amounts for unit testing and several other curious elements
    • ACTION: Kathy to email quote through to Council
    • KR would like to move ahead with the CiviCRM component
      • RS points out that moving ahead with CiviCRM without a plan for replacing the voting parts of MemberDB seems to be not entirely moving forward.
    • Decision: Hold off on moving forward until next meeting, to give RS time to investigate alternatives.
    • Follow up from 26th April
      • WordPress build would be happening on our server
      • When does the CiviCRM support and updates start?
    • Kathy mentioned there were three hosting providers in Australia, but only one (AgileWare) looked koscher.
    • ACTION: Kathy to contact AgileWare and tell them we will be needed a while to consider to the quote as the price was a surprise.
  • Rebranding:
    • Sae Ra and Kathy making progress with setting up VistaPrint account and ability to print things with the new logo
  • LA Grants Submissions:
    See related document (Grant information)
    See related information (Grant Applications)

    • Grant applications to be promoted this to go onto social media
    • Grant reviews to occur next meeting
      • MOTION template: Please not that these motions to not have to pass and even if you call the motion you do not have to vote in favour.
        • MOTION BY <INSERT NAME HERE> That Linux Australia Accepts the Grant Proposal <insert proposal name here> submitted by <insert person name here>
          • Seconded:
          • Motion passed/unsuccessful
          • If there are constraints to the motion passing (eg change in conditions, amount of $$ given, caveats, requirements for reporting) note this here otherwise remove.
    • 2 Grant Submissions to update
      • Incident Response Training – Katie McLaughlin
        • MOTION BY Kathy: That Linux Australia neither accepts nor denies the Grant Proposal, but invites from Katie McLaughlin an amended proposal that focuses on local suppliers, with a preference for an Australian recognised qualification at the end of the training delivery for participants. Further, the amount requested in the original Grant Proposal is to be sequestered from Grant funds so that the funds are set aside pending an amended proposal.
          • Seconded: Russell
          • Motion passed, one abstention, one nay.
        • ACTION: Kathy will communicate this to Katie.
        • Have not heard back regarding this.
      • Linux Australia Contribution to the Promote Drupal Fund – Donna Benjamin
        • MOTION BY Hugh: That Linux Australia Accepts the Grant Proposal Promote Drupal Fund for $2,500 submitted by Donna Benjamin
          • Seconded: Cameron
          • Motion unanimous.
          • If there are constraints to the motion passing (eg change in conditions, amount of $$ given, caveats, requirements for reporting) note this here otherwise remove.
        • ACTION: Kathy will communicate this to Donna.
        • All done and and reconciled (to be removed off the list.)
  • Working with WordCamps and WordPress user groups
    • Dee and Dion have their bank accounts sorted and areas are now in Xero. YAY!
      • ACTION: Cherie to check the insurance regarding alcohol at events and insuring around that. Needs to get correct wording for RFI from insurance company
        • ACTION: Kathy to get back to Dion regarding this once insurance has been checked.
        • ACTION: Cherie to inform WordPress / WordCamp LA’s insurance only covers alcohol at events is they are held at at events that are libel for the responsible for the Responsible Service of Alcohol. DONE.
        • No report as yet.


  • OSI Membership


    • Still awaiting confirmation / correspondence from OSI – their new Board has just been elected
      • On hold.
      • ACTION: Kathy to check where this is at. We are waiting for their communications.


  • OSIA and LA Engagement



  • Submissions/Papers in draft:


    • None at this stage.
  • EFA reachout
    • Peter Tonoli at EFA made some enquiries about a possible grant request, but nothing has been received yet.
      • Working on a grant request but not linked to EFA.
    • Brochure has been sent to the group.


  • ACTION for new Council. Check which subcommittee is still running and which ones aren’t.
  • ACTION: Cherie to complete the audit as to who is still active



  • ACTION: to formally create the Conference Support subcommittee


    • Terms of Reference?
      • ACTION: James to bring this up at the next Conference support subcommittee meeting.
        • To then be sent to Sae Ra for sanity checking and then sent to Admin
      • No updates as yet.


  • Email from MARK WARKOLM – DGR status for Linux Aus


    • ACTION: Russell has looked into the requirements, and LA may qualify after all. Suggests we seek advice on wording and application.
    • No updates as yet.


  • Event Updates:



  • LCA2018 update (James)


      • Post Event Email still not sent out. Bruce/James chatted today about this; we have a draft that’s mostly written.
      • Post Event Report – can we get template?
      • Survey will not be sent out and seeking feedback via the post event email.
      • Joel has <=3 outstanding things that require payment.


  • LCA2019


    • Moving along well, nothing really to report.
    • Internet Freedom Hackathon


  • Run in Melbourne and Brisbane. Got some shout outs. No invoice as yet.


      • Kathy has been following up but the contact person is on leave


  • ACTION: Kathy to continue followup the invoice. With Wrapup for the annual report for 2018.
  • Invoice has been paid. Start a 2018 report folder.


  • PyConAU 2018 – James Polley
    • 60 papers in CFP so far
    • Because of good sponsorship the conference is now at the break even point at 75% of projected attendance.
    • Record number of submissions


  • WordPress Sydney May 2018


    • Onboarding happened
    • RS waiting on responses from WP people in order to set up bank accounts
    • One sponsor has signed up, others are in discussions
    • WordCamp seeking a template for Sponsorship Contracts.
      ACTION: James to find and email templates to WordCamp.
    • ACTION: James and Cherie to add Sponsorship Contract template to GitHub.
    • STuff is moving forward and getting more sponsorship than expected.
    • ACTION: Kathy to keep an eye on the social medias stuffs.


  • Drupal South Canberra 2018


    • DrupalSouth and DrupalGov are to be combined
    • Expecting around 400
    • Venue same as DrupalGov 2017, which can accomodate 500
    • Aiming for November, has to be a non-sitting week
    • Program will be government heavy
    • Kathy has seen budget and it seems sensible and low-risk
    • Next action will be to review and perhaps approve a budget, probably at the next meeting
    • Awaiting

5. Items for noting


  • auIGF:


6. Other business

  • Data-breach policy:
  • Admin Team infrastructure.
    • Sae Ra to organise the call –
      • Once Terms of Reference has been written up for the Conf Team we can proceed.
  • Outstanding GitHub pull requests. Cherie’s recommendations:
    • Mentioned Above.
    • #30, #12. That we amend the text to say “”platform bashing” – unqualified pejorative claims about the quality or validity of languages, technologies, etc. In other words, critique, open discussion, tongue-in-cheek humour and clearly stated personal opinions are welcome; aggressive and/or contemptuous language is not.”
    • #22. That Russell check details and make recommendations
    • #23. That we accept the minor change
    • #24. That we leave it as it is
    • #25. That we simplify the text to “+Any public presentation or communication which is part of any event and/or other spaces associated with the conference, is subject to this code of conduct and thus may not contain:”

ACTION: Cherie to email these (with links) to the list for people to vote on. Please look and comment, even if it’s ‘nothing to say’.

7. Backburner

8. In camera

2019 AEST close


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