Council Meeting Tuesday 2nd July 2019 – Minutes

Council Meeting Tuesday 2nd July 2019 – Minutes

2021-01-03T20:56:04+11:00July 2nd, 2019|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


Sae Ra Germaine

Joshua Hesketh

Julien Goodwin

Russell Stuart

Clinton Roy

Jonathan Woithe

Miles Goodhew



Meeting opened at 1931 AEST by Sae Ra and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Julien.

2. Log of correspondence

  • None

3. Items for discussion

  • Move stuff in storage to Brisbane:
    • [Russell] got a quote for moving stuff in Camperdown storage to Brisbane: <amount> from <company>.  That’s less than double if I did it myself, so it looks good to me.
      • Update: got a 2nd quote for <amount> from <company>
    • If the council doesn’t object I will arrange for <company> to pick it up on Fri 2nd August, which is the day Pycon 2019 starts.
    • I can’t see any possible reason for anybody to object to that date, but fully expect someone to do so nonetheless.   I will respond to such objections with: the shed will be emptied and everything in it will be moved to the Gold Coast on that day.  If you leave in there and it ends up in Brisbane, contact me to organise it to be freighted back.
    • I propose we hand the keys back to Kennards, and cancel the storage on that day.
    • General agreement.
  • [Jonathan] Grant program to open soon.
    • HTML or text format for submissions posted by website to mailing lists?
    • Submissions are plain text, text is fine.

5. Items for noting

  • WCmpSyd19 induction is done, they now have bank accounts.
  • Google Drive access cleanup
  • Potential media team in-person some time in late July?
  • CFS has opened for LCA2020
    • Perhaps mail linux-aus, announce only went to lca-announce.
    • Josh notes that la-announce also exists.
    • AV quote pending.
    • Accomodation still to be addressed.
  • Joomla day is exceeded sponsorship goals but light on ticket sales.
  • LCA2019 books would have closed if not for a late expense claim.
  • The LCA2019 event report was awesome.

6. Other business 

  • Sae Ra sending out ANU mail tonight.

7. In camera

  • Three items were covered in camera.

Meeting closed at 2100

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