Linux Australia’s 2024 Grants Program is now open

Linux Australia’s 2024 Grants Program is now open

Linux Australia is pleased to announce that the 2024 Grants Program is now open. Applications are welcome from all members of Linux Australia. Membership of Linux Australia is free. As in 2023, there are two different types of grants on offer this year. Project Grants provide funding for open source, open data, open government, open education, open hardware and open culture projects. Community Grants (introduced in 2023) offer funds to assist community groups rebuild and re-establish themselves following the interrupts of the last few years. We hope that the Community Grants enable groups within our community to revive past events [...]

2024-06-18T20:55:15+10:00June 18th, 2024|Categories: Grants and Grant Applications, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

2024-02-28 Council Meeting Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Sae Ra Germaine (Vice-President) Neill Cox (Secretary) Andrew Pam (Council) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Jennifer Cox (Council) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Apologies  Joel Addison (President) Not Present Meeting opened at 20:00 AEDT by Sae Ra  and quorum was achieved. Minutes taken by Neill 2. Log of correspondence Add Authoriser to ANZ Direct Online - 417289 Linux Australia (Incorporated) Ideally all council members would be authorised. To be authroised they will need copies/scans of a passport and a utility bill with an address. Take them to a JP to certify. Then scan and email to ANZ [...]

2024-02-29T22:32:36+11:00February 29th, 2024|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

2024-02-14 Council Meeting Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Joel Addison (President) Sae Ra Germaine (Vice-President) Neill Cox (Secretary) Andrew Pam (Council) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Jennifer Cox (Council) Jonathan Woithe (Council)   Apologies    Not Present   Meeting opened at 20:06 AEDT by Joel  and quorum was achieved. Minutes taken by Neill   2. Log of correspondence MHW Best Practice Program- Letter of Consent  [Julie Daly] now has an Everything Open page [Kathy Reid] Reconnect with Joomla Event Open source Event [Carlos.Noschang Kuhn] APNIC Membership Renewal - Invoice Attached [Steve Walsh] other issue re: past member ROHAN McLEOD [Russell Coker] Undelivered [...]

2024-02-29T22:32:12+11:00February 29th, 2024|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting January 31, 2024 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Joel Addison (President) Sae Ra Germaine (Vice-President) Neill Cox (Secretary) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Andrew Pam (Council) Jennifer Cox (Council) Jonathan Woithe (Council)   Apologies    Not Present   Meeting opened at 20:05 AEDT by Joel  and quorum was achieved. Minutes taken by Neill and Jonathan   2. Log of correspondence Lodge Linux Australia Activity Statement October..December 2023 Scrutineers report Fwd: Charity audit (NZPUG) Xero reconciliations Linux Australia - Subcommittee Update [actually Reconnect with Joomla Budget] Council members should have received an email with more details, but basically the previous council had some questions [...]

2024-02-02T14:11:05+11:00February 2nd, 2024|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting January 17, 2024 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Joel Addison (President) Wil Brown (Vice-President) Neill Cox (Secretary) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Sae Ra Germaine  (Council) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Marcus Herstik (Council)   Apologies    Not Present   Meeting opened at 20:07 AEDT by Joel  and quorum was achieved. Minutes taken by Neill   2. Log of correspondence Application to form a Kiwi PyCon 2024 subcommittee RISC-V hardware for software development - grant application decision Annual Report now out on socials Linux Australia Sponsorship of NZ Python User Group Linux Australia - Subcommittee Update  (Drupal) Lodge Linux Australia Activity Statement October..December 2023 Email [...]

2024-01-17T20:56:30+11:00January 17th, 2024|Categories: Annual General Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting January 03, 2024 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Joel Addison (President) Wil Brown (Vice-President) Neill Cox (Secretary) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Sae Ra Germaine  (Council) Jonathan Woithe (Council)   Apologies    Not Present Marcus Herstik (Council)   Meeting opened at 20:02 AEDT by Joel  and quorum was achieved. Minutes taken by Neill   2. Log of correspondence RISC-V hardware for software development - grant application decision Payment Approval Request - DrupalSouth Community Day A couple of website and social updates in preparation for AGM / elections Open Source AI Definition: Version 0.0.3 released, planning a global outreach Hack the Triangle Workshops - [...]

2024-01-03T21:19:24+11:00January 3rd, 2024|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Minutes of Linux Australia – Annual General Meeting 2023

Saturday 21 January 2023, 2:35pm AEDT (UTC+11) Video conference via Zoom. Attendance record is available upon request. 0. Apologies Josh Bartlett Craige McWhirter Hugh Blemmings Russell Stuart - arrived 2:50pm, just in time to give his report.   Proxies: Miles Goodhew for Hugh Blemmings   1. President’s welcome MR JOEL ADDISON, President 2. Approval of the minutes from the previous Annual General Meeting - 2022 MOTION by MR JOEL ADDISON that the minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2022 of Linux Australia be accepted as complete and accurate. The minutes are available at: Clinton Roy seconds the motion. PROVISIONAL, [...]

2024-01-03T21:11:18+11:00January 3rd, 2024|Categories: Annual General Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting December 20, 2023 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Joel Addison (President) Wil Brown (Vice-President) Neill Cox (Secretary) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Sae Ra Germaine  (Council) Jonathan Woithe (Council)   Apologies    Not Present Marcus Herstik (Council)   Meeting opened at 20:05 AEDT by Joel  and quorum was achieved. Minutes taken by Neill   2. Log of correspondence Steve Walsh: admin team reimbursements Russell Stuart: Draft Proposals (Kiwi PyCon XIII) Russell Stuart: Supporting documents for Kiwi Pycon 2024 Meetup: Meetup Invoice AU2023-16828 Michael Richardson: DrupalSouth Community Day Budget Russell Stuart: Linux Australia's 2022/2023 audit Russell Stuart: Tax invoice attached (for audit) 3. Items [...]

2023-12-21T19:50:47+11:00December 20th, 2023|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting December 6, 2023 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Joel Addison (President) Wil Brown (Vice-President) Sae Ra Germaine  (Council) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Neill Cox (Secretary)   Apologies None received   Not present Marcus Herstik (Council)   Meeting opened at 20:07 AEST by Joel and quorum was achieved. Minutes taken by Neill.   2. Log of correspondence 2023-11-23 Xero reconciliations 2023-11-27 Action needed for your Wise Business account - Russell has responded Note: This also required supplying birth dates for various council members. 2023-11-24 Linux Australia's 2022/2023 audit 2023-11-24 Activity Statement from ATO Portal for the auditor - From Russell. [...]

2023-12-07T09:22:11+11:00December 7th, 2023|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

Council Meeting November 22, 2023 – Minutes

1. Meeting overview and key information Present Joel Addison (President) Wil Brown (Vice-President) Sae Ra Germaine  (Council) Russell Stuart (Treasurer) Jonathan Woithe (Council) Neill Cox (Secretary) Marcus Herstik (Council)   Apologies None received   Not present   Meeting opened at 20:32 AEST by Joel and quorum was achieved. Minutes taken by Neill.   2. Log of correspondence To Russell Coker: Report for Linux Australia grant: Pinephone development No response yet.   To Elena Williams: Report for Linux Australia grant: Girls Canberra #1 Elena has responded and will send in a report.   ASIC: Successful renewal: OPEN SOURCE AUSTRALIA Michael Richardson [...]

2023-11-23T10:41:17+11:00November 22nd, 2023|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |
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