2024-07-03 Council Meeting Minutes

2024-07-03 Council Meeting Minutes

2024-12-05T16:34:00+11:00December 5th, 2024|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


  • Joel Addison (President)
  • Sae Ra Germaine (Vice-President)
  • Neill Cox (Secretary)
  • Russell Stuart (Treasurer)
  • Andrew Pam (Council)
  • Jennifer Cox (Council)
  • Jonathan Woithe (Council)


Not Present

Meeting opened at 19:40 AEST (UT+1000) by Joel  and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Neill.

2. Log of correspondence

  • Enquiry from Felicity Brand via the Linux Australia Website Contact Form – Enquiry re sponsoring Write the Docs Australia – Jonathan has responded
  • Grant Application from Rowland Mosbergen for RSEAA24 Accessibility Fellowship – Jonathan has responded
  • Re: [LACTTE] Payment to Acquamarina Hotel – DrupalCon Asia
  • [LACTTE] [Connecting Up] Pending request: Connecting Up – ITE – reminder about pending application
  • Re: [LACTTE] [Purplecon] Invoice payment request – Art design – Russell has responded
  • [LACTTE] [Announce] Announcing Everything Open 2025
  • [LACTTE] [Grants] Proposed changes to Linux Australia Grants Policy
  • [LACTTE] Sponsorship of RSEAA in the future
  • [LACTTE] [Announce] Linux Australia’s 2024 Grants Program is now open
  • Re: [LACTTE] Missing wire payment – any suggestions ? – Sorting out a sponsorship payment from the Python Software Foundation to PyConNZ. Russell has responded.
  • Re: [LACTTE] Details for WordCamp Sydney 2024 – Westpac / Stripe access for the WordCamp committee – Russell has responded
  • [LACTTE] Linux Australia banners for Kiwi PyCon
  • Re: [LACTTE] Kiwi PyCon reimbursements to Python New Zealand – Russell has responded
  • Re: [LACTTE] Volunteering at Kiwi PyCon –  discussion about refinding volunteer tickets. Russell has responded
  • [LACTTE] BAS Time –  request for subcommittee treasurers to cleanup Xero transactions for BAS submission
  • Re: [LACTTE] Your scheduled transfer is set up – confirmation that KiwiPyCon have successfully made payments via Wire
  • CFP: OSI July newsletter – invitation to submit a proposal to be included in the OSI’s July Newsletter
  • Language Technology Workshop – Request from Charbel El-Khaissi for LA to sponsor the Australasian Language Technology Association workshop
  • [purplecon] Is it OK to show the Linux Australia logo on our sponsorship prospectus?  – Yes – Neill will reply.

3. Items for discussion

  • Write the Docs Australia

Write the Docs does align with LA’s goals.

What will we get for our sponsorship. Where does the money come from?

If we take it from the Grants program we risk exhausting those funds.

Noting that we rarely use all of the grant money.

We are not going to make a profit this year, so there are no separate funds available.

There is a difference between a grant and sponsorship in that we expect to receive some value in return.

Write the Doc’s lowest sponsorship is $1,500. Given our overall financial submission, this seems the most appropriate level. This sponsorship level includes two free tickets, which we could look at finding recipients or ask the conference to allocate the ticket[s] themselves.


  • Grant application from Rowland Mosbergen for RSEAA24

This is essentially a sponsorship request. We are being asked to provide $500 to assist attendance by a vision impaired delegate. Consultation on this grant request is still open, so no decision will be made at this meeting.

We would like to clarify how this aligns with LA’s goals. At first glance it’s hard to see a benefit to the open source community.

  • Language Technology Workshop

Being held in Canberra in December. There is a $500 level which might be appropriate. The conference does not seem to be promoting open source however. While open source software may be heavily used by the delegates of the conference if it is not a focus of the conference it reduces the obvious alignment with LA.

[The LA council will reach out to the organising committee to request clarification about the focus on open source]

  • Meeting format for subcommittees

We have a lot of subcommittees, which makes the 5-10 minute updates take too long.

Part of the problem is that a lot of reporting that could be done in email is happening in the call. Perhaps it would be better to ask for details in email and to keep the 5 minutes available for topics that need interaction.

One positive, one problem per five minutes. Perhaps share a google doc agenda for subcommittees?

  • Canberra Python User Group grant request

The consultation process has closed. There are some concerns about what this funding will be used for, but no objections were raised on the mailing list and two members did post in favour.

MOTION: Linux Australia approves the grant for $600 for the Canberra Python User Group

Moved: Joel

Seconded: Sae Ra.

Result: Passed unanimously

4. Items for noting

5. Other business

6. In camera

  • No items were discussed in camera

7. Action items

KiwiPycon Banners – Neill to respond

Purplecon logo question – Neill to respond

Draft a communication re spending grants money on sponsorships

Draft an updated format for subcommittee meetings

7.1 Completed Items

7.2 Carried Forward

Meeting closed at 20:55 AEST (UT+1000)

Next meeting is scheduled for 2024-07-17 and will be a subcommittee meeting

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